[Home]Recover Corrupt/Blank EEPROM 5i24,6i24,7i24, 6i25

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To recover a corrupt/blank EEPROM on a 5i24 6i24 7i24 or 6i25 board:

You will need the latest mesaflash ver from:


NOTE: You must use --device 6i25 for this step regardless the target board!

sudo ./mesaflash --device 6i25 --recovery --write hm2flash.bit (example: 5i24_16_justio.bit)

power cycle the board

the leds should go out

sudo ./mesaflash --device 5i24 --readhmid

may return nothing

Both leds should be out now though

sudo ./mesaflash --device 5i24 --verify 5i24_16_justio.bit

You should see: board configuration verified successfully

Next find 5i24 fallback in 5i24.zip and

sudo ./mesaflash --device 5i24 --fallback --write fallback.bit

You can write now standard hostmot2 bitfile

The card will be fully reprogrammed

sudo ./mesaflash --device 5i24 --write yourfile.bit

sudo ./mesaflash --device 5i24 --verify yourfile.bit

sudo ./mesaflash --device 5i24 --reload

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Last edited May 28, 2015 2:33 am by Tlightus (diff)
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