[Home]History of Screenshots

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Revision 10 . . (edit) January 22, 2012 5:59 pm by CNCDreamer [rebranded; images still need to be updated]
Revision 9 . . May 7, 2010 11:31 am by Fenn
Revision 8 . . February 5, 2009 4:03 pm by Fenn

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 1c1

Screenshots related to emc2

Screenshots related to LinuxCNC

Changed: 4c4

1. emc2 GUIS

2. LinuxCNC GUIs

Added: 14a15

Changed: 23c24

1.1. TkEmc

2.1. TkLinuxCNC

Changed: 27c28
TkEmc & a custom panel
TkLinuxCNC & a custom panel

Changed: 31c32
TkEmc & classicladder
TkLinuxCNC & classicladder

Changed: 37c38
HALUI pins represented by HalVCP?
HALUI pins represented by HalVCP

Added: 39a41,44

2.2. Touchy


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