[Home]History of Lathe Code

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Revision 14 . . July 17, 2013 10:43 pm by KimK [Fix branding issues, typos.]
Revision 13 . . October 13, 2010 5:53 pm by JeffEpler

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1,2c1,2

Lathe support on non-emc2 controls

<html><h1> This page does NOT describe how emc2 works. Instead, it describes how other controls work. In some cases, emc2 may work similarly to the descriptions below. In other cases, it will work entirely differently.</h1></html>

Lathe support on other controls

<html><h1> This page does NOT describe how LinuxCNC works. Instead, it describes how other controls work. In some cases, LinuxCNC may work similarly to the descriptions below. In other cases, it will work entirely differently.</h1></html>

Changed: 263c263

1.1. This is fanuc style canned cycle

1.2. This is a Fanuc style canned cycle

Changed: 472c472
2) Tools->Read: Read in an odthreading tool Tools->Read Tool ( this is a loop so after you read the first one you have to CANCEL twice to stop reading )
2) Tools->Read: Read in an OD threading tool Tools->Read Tool ( this is a loop so after you read the first one you have to CANCEL twice to stop reading )

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