[Home]History of BetterInterpreterErrorMessages

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Revision 2 . . February 5, 2007 8:15 pm by Lerman [Add note that Axis will require a change to handle this.]
Revision 1 . . February 5, 2007 7:35 pm by Lerman [Propose a way to support better error messages from the interpreter.]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 11c11
Add a new error number significantly higher that any existing error number to the file rs274ngc_return.hh -- Give it the symbol: NCE_VARIABLE.
Add a new error number to the file rs274ngc_return.hh -- Give it the symbol: NCE_VARIABLE.

Added: 18a19
This has been implemented and works. Note that Axis will require a change to handle this the same way the normal interpreter does. Right now, Axis prints the dummy message associated with NCE_VARIABLE.

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