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Showing revision 3


1. Adding EMC's Man pages to a run-in-place environment.
2. cute trick to find out who is most to blame for a particular source file.

1. Adding EMC's Man pages to a run-in-place environment.

jeppler suggests.

Run the command ". scripts/emc-environment" from the root directory of your EMC2 install and a command like "man stepgen" on its own will work. This persists only as long as the terminal it was run in exists. You can see the effect of this if you enter "echo $MANPATH." If this command returns an empty string you will have to run the script command again.

2. cute trick to find out who is most to blame for a particular source file.

 cvs annotate emc.in | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
(counts how many lines of the current revision were most recently touched by each author)

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Edited January 7, 2008 10:20 pm by Fenn (diff)
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