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Action Widgets

GladeVcp includes a collection of "canned actions" called EMC Action Widgets for the glade user interface editor. Other than HAL widgets, which interact with HAL pins, EMC Actions interact with EMC and the G-code interpreter.

EMC Action Widgets are derived from the Gtk.Action widget. The Action widget in a nutshell:

The appearance of EMC Actions in glade is roughly as follows:


Tooltip hovers provide a description.

Action widget types

EMC Action widgets

These are one-shot type widgets. They implement a single action and are for use in simple buttons, menu entries or radio/check groups.

EMC ToggleAction widgets

These are bi-modal widgets. They implement two actions or use a second (usually pressed) state to indicate that currently an action is running. Toggle actions are aimed for use in ToggleButtons?, ToggleToolButtons? or toggling menu items. A simplex example is the ESTOP toggle button.

Currently the following widgets are available:

The following toggle actions have only one assoicated command and use the 'pressed' state to indicate that the requested operation is running:

The Action_MDI Toggle and Action_MDI widgets

These widgets provide a means to execute arbitrary MDI commands.

A simple example: Execute MDI command on button press

Here's a glade UI file which conveys the basics: upload:whoareyou.ui
Open it in glade and study how it's done. Start Axis, and then start this from a terminal window with gladevcp whoareyou.ui . See the hal_action_mdi1 Action and it's MDI command property - this just executes (MSG, "Hi, I'm an EMC_Action_MDI") so there should be a message popup in Axis like so:


You'll notice that the button associated with the Action_MDI action is greyed out if the machine is off, in E-Stop or the program is running. It will automatically become active when the machine is turned on and out of E-Stop, and the program is idle.

Parameter processing in the Action_MDI and ToggleAction_MDI widgets

Optionally, 'MDI command' strings may have parameters substituted before they are passed to the interpreter. Parameters currently may be names of HAL pins in the gladevcp component (in a later release, this will be extended to cover HAL pins of other components as well). This is how it works:

Here's the example UI file for gladevcp: upload:speed.ui , and here's what you get:


An advanced example: Feeding parameters to an O-word subroutine

It's perfectly OK to call an O-word subroutine in an MDI command, and pass HAL pin values as actual parameters. Here's an example UI file upload:owordsub.ui and O-word sub: upload:oword.ngc

Place oword.ngc so Axis can find it, and run gladevcp owordsub.ui from a terminal window. This looks like so:


Preparing for an MDI Action, and cleaning up afterwards

The EMC G-Code interpreter has a single global set of variables, like feed, spindle speed, relative/absolute mode and others. If you use G code commands or O-word subs, some of these variables might get changed by the command or subroutine - for example, a probing subroutine will very likely set the feed value quite low. With no further precautions, your previous feed setting will be overwritten by the probing subroutine's value.

To deal with this surprising and undesirable side effect of a given O-word subroutine or G-code statement executed with an EMC ToggleAction_MDI, you might associate pre-MDI and post-MDI handlers with a given EMC ToggleAction_MDI. These handlers are optional and provide a way to save any state before executing the MDI Action, and to restore it to previous values. The signal names are mdi-command-start and mdi-command-stop; the handler names can be set in glade like any other handler.

Here's an example how a feed value might be saved and restored by such handlers (note that EMC command and status channels are available as self.emc and self.stat through the _EMC_ActionBase? class:

 def on_mdi_command_start(self, action, userdata=None):
        self.start_feed = action.stat.settings[1]

 def on_mdi_command_stop(self, action, userdata=None):
        action.emc.mdi('F%.1f' % (self.start_feed))
        while action.emc.wait_complete() == -1:       

Only the Action_MDI Toggle widget supports these signals.

Using the EMC Stat object to deal with status changes

Many actions depend on EMC status - is it in manual, MDI or auto mode? is a program running, paused or idle? You cannot start an MDI command while a G-code program is running, so this needs to be taken care of. Many EMC actions take care of this themselves, and related buttons and menu entries are deactivated when the operation is currently impossible.

When using Python event handlers - which are at a lower level than Actions - one needs to take care of dealing with status dependencies oneself. For this purpose, there's the EMC Stat widget: to associate EMC status changes with event handlers.

EMC Stat has no visible component - you just add it to your UI with glade. Once added, you can associate handlers with its following signals:


This page will be current when the year 2010 is over. Authors Michael Haberler and Pavel Shramov.


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Edited July 18, 2011 10:04 am by MichaelHaberler (diff)
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