[Home]Simple LinuxCNC G-Code Generators

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** YOU need Python-Pil to be instalt to get it working

Simple LinuxCNC G-Code Generators Written in Python

Many of the Python scripts hosted on this wiki page have been moved to a repository on Github, where you can download them individually, or as a Zip file: https://github.com/linuxcnc/simple-gcode-generators

1. Drilling Speeds-n-Feeds
2. Arc Generator
3. Facing Software
4. Bolt Circle Array Software
5. Counterbore Software
6. Grill Drilling Software
7. Bezel Engraving Software
8. Text Engraving Software
9. Multi-line Text Engraving Software
10. Pycam - Drop Cutter Surfacing Software
11. Dxf2gcode - import a 2D DXF file and produce G-code
12. Rectangular-Circular Pocketing Generator
13. Grid Rectangular Circular SpiderNet G-code Generator
14. Airfoil G-code Generator 3-4Axis XY-XYUV Foam EDM Style
15. Other G Code Generators
16. Using Python scripts with Axis
17. Using Python scripts with Windows
18. Using Python scripts online
19. mGcodeGenerator
20. OpenVoronoi and OpenCAMLib
21. gcmc - G-Code Meta Compiler

From the official Python web site http://python.org/ "Python is a dynamic object-oriented programming language that can be used for many kinds of software development." Python is powerful,open source, cross platform compatible and easy to learn and use. It has become one of the favorite languages of the LinuxCNC development group. A tutorial for Python can be found here http://docs.python.org/tutorial/

This page contains links to Python scrips that generate simple G-Codes for LinuxCNC. For me to fire up a high dollar CAD program and the use the POST processor to generate simple routines is a time waster. So I'm writing a series of Python programs to do this. If you did an LinuxCNC install with Ubuntu you are good to go you have all you need. Make sure you make the mods to your ini file so you can open these up from Axis and paste the generated code directly into Axis... as shown at the bottom of the page.

The programs will do Facing, Pockets, Slots, Drill Patterns etc. When they are all finished I'll package them all up into one.

1. Drilling Speeds-n-Feeds


2. Arc Generator



This is a slightly different version of Arc Buddy that was modified by Sebastian Jardi Estadella for use in gEdit to insert the gcodes. The instructions for use with gEdit are in the comments section.


3. Facing Software

The facing software is super simple. You input a few things and press a button and your code is saved to your NC directory ready to open in LinuxCNC!


4. Bolt Circle Array Software

5. Counterbore Software


6. Grill Drilling Software



7. Bezel Engraving Software


8. Text Engraving Software


9. Multi-line Text Engraving Software

10. Pycam - Drop Cutter Surfacing Software


A GPL 3D CNC Toolpath Generation program written by Lode Leroy

Download from here:

11. Dxf2gcode - import a 2D DXF file and produce G-code


Written by Christian Kohloeffel.


Download from here:


This program seems to work pretty well with DXF files from QCAD.

12. Rectangular-Circular Pocketing Generator

13. Grid Rectangular Circular SpiderNet G-code Generator

  with the grid alot of moves are taken and you can see the accurate by,
  checking Zero Border on the grid if it not harming the outside Shape!
  Now all shapes and functions are includet Aug_2010!

14. Airfoil G-code Generator 3-4Axis XY-XYUV Foam EDM Style

Download from here 1MB ZIP:

15. Other G Code Generators

[CP1] is a conversational machining program written by Ray Henry and Matt Shaver with additional MOP's by Lawrence Glaister.
[TTT] is a TrueType tracer with DXF and G-Code output

16. Using Python scripts with Axis

Do the following...

17. Using Python scripts with Windows

18. Using Python scripts online


Here are some python generators that can be used from LinuxCNC and online too. They are simple, but you can easily make new ones for yourself... using the hugomatic library, that abstracts the user interface. This is beta software, so please provide feedback. http://hugomatic.ca

19. mGcodeGenerator

20. OpenVoronoi and OpenCAMLib?

There are some sample scripts and screenshots that use OpenVoronoi and OpenCAMLib? at https://github.com/aewallin/linuxcnc-scripts

21. gcmc - G-Code Meta Compiler

[Gcmc] is a front-end language for generating G-code, SVG and DXF for CNC mills, lathes, laser cutters and other numerical controlled machines employing G-code, SVG or DXF. The language is a context-free grammar created to overcome the archaic format of G-code programming and aims to be more readable and understandable. Gcmc makes extensive use of vector mathematics to support the 3D nature of CNC machining. Examples:

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Last edited August 9, 2018 4:46 pm by IchGucksLive (diff)
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