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Difference (from prior major revision) (author diff)

Changed: 2c2
The mini graphical interface was developed to run Sherline and other small mills.
The mini graphical interface was developed to run Sherline and other small mills and is based on the TkEmc frontend.

Changed: 4c4
This screenshot shows the mini interface with the emc in MDI mode and a tool tip plot of the g-code file.
This screenshot shows the mini interface in MDI mode and a tool tip plot of the g-code line.

Changed: 6c6

Changed: 8c8
The large display area on the right side of the screen will show plotter, editor, tool, offsets, and help. The machine operator can toggle between any set of these windows using a right mouse click anwyhere over the display.
The large display area on the right side of the screen will show plotter, g-code editor, tool, offsets, and help. The machine operator can toggle between any set of these windows using a right mouse click anwyhere over the display.


The mini graphical interface was developed to run Sherline and other small mills and is based on the TkEmc frontend.


This screenshot shows the mini interface in MDI mode and a tool tip plot of the g-code line.

The large display area on the right side of the screen will show plotter, g-code editor, tool, offsets, and help. The machine operator can toggle between any set of these windows using a right mouse click anwyhere over the display.

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Last edited November 1, 2008 11:43 am by Fenn (diff)
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