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Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Added: 0a1,7
Transcript of meeting: http://meetlog.archivist.info/

Moderator: cradek

Secretary: seb_kuzminsky

Added: 2a10,12
** Changed to "next meeting will be held on Saturday July 27 at 16:00 UTC, later schedules to be discussed"
** PASSED unanimously

Added: 3a14,15
** PASSED unanimously

Added: 4a17,18
** TABLED pending discussion

Added: 5a20,25
** TABLED pending discussion.
** It was agreed that it was useful to have a moderator and a secretary.
** cradek did the moderator's job of updating the topic to reflect the phase of the meeting (which agenda item was being discussed or voted on)
** seb_kuzminsky did the secretary's job of noting the outcome of the discussions & votes, updating this wiki page, and mailing outcomes to the emc-users and emc-developers mailing lists
** We did not agree on how to select a moderator and secretary for the next meeting yet

Added: 6a27,29
** Changed to "we would like to support xenomai userspace and rt-preempt userspace into master branch before 2.6 is branched"
** PASSED unanimously

Added: 7a31,32

Added: 8a34,35
** but the idea of more modularity is generally liked

Added: 12a40,42
** Final text of proposal: "agenda items should be concrete proposals; those that aren't can be skipped and rewritten for the next meeting; discussion is best kept in the other channels, lists, forum"
** PASSED unanimously

Added: 13a44,45
** PASSED unanimously

Added: 14a47,48
** TABLED to discuss more and bring up again in the next meeting

Added: 15a50,51
** PASSED unanimously

Added: 17a54,55
** These two were combined. There will be a volunteer moderator and a volunteer secretary (possibly the same person). The moderator will move the meeting forward and the secretary will keep track of decisions, update the wiki, and mail out a report to the -users and -developers mailing lists.
** PASSED unanimously

Changed: 19c57
tjtr33 ( Tom Powderly) i'd like to propose Michael Haberler's 'jog-while-paused'
* tjtr33 ( Tom Powderly) i'd like to propose Michael Haberler's 'jog-while-paused'

Added: 21a60
** Not discussed

Transcript of meeting: http://meetlog.archivist.info/

Moderator: cradek

Secretary: seb_kuzminsky

Agenda Items:


heres a description http://tinyurl.com/pgswvxc and an implementation http://git.mah.priv.at/gitweb?p=emc2-dev.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/jog-while-pause

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Last edited June 29, 2013 9:19 pm by Seb Kuzminsky (diff)
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