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Accelerometers Fourier Transformations and More!

This is my first attempt at a contribution to this community, so please bear with me. David Stonely deserves all the credit for the code.

We were able to detect tool height by reading an Analog Devices accelerometer attached to the work piece, and looking for a spike in the frequency domain corresponding to the spindle speed. I think it was an ADXL320, and we read the signal through the microphone port on the computer.

I think this is all the python / HAL stuff that you need to make it work. Any comments or feedback are welcome!

  1. !/usr/bin/python

import pyaudio import numpy import sys import struct import hal import time

  1. Functions

  1. HAL Stuff

h = hal.component("tddetect") h.newpin("enable", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_IO) h.newpin("is_mdi_mode", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_IN) h.newpin("spindle_speed", hal.HAL_FLOAT, hal.HAL_IN) h.newpin("touch", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) h.newparam("mov_avg", hal.HAL_FLOAT, hal.HAL_RO) h.newparam("pct_change", hal.HAL_FLOAT, hal.HAL_RO) h.newparam("pbc", hal.HAL_U32, hal.HAL_RO) h.newparam("frange", hal.HAL_U32, hal.HAL_RW) h.newparam("mov_avg_window", hal.HAL_U32, hal.HAL_RW) h.newparam("td_thresh", hal.HAL_FLOAT, hal.HAL_RW) h.ready()

h['mov_avg_window'] = 1

float_buffer = numpy.zeros(1024) mov_avg_buffer = numpy.zeros(1024) mov_avg_index = 0 power_base_acc = 0.0 power_base = 0.0 power_base_cnt = 0 initialize = True chk_enable = False

chunk = 1024 FORMAT = pyaudio.paFloat32 CHANNELS = 1 RATE = 44100 F_STEP = 44100.0 / chunk

p = pyaudio.PyAudio?()

stream = p.open(format = FORMAT,

                channels = CHANNELS,
                rate = RATE,
                input = True,
                frames_per_buffer = chunk)

debug = True


	while 1:
		if (h['enable'] and h['is_mdi_mode']):
			lfreq = (h['spindle_speed'] / 60.0) - (h['frange'] / 2) 
			lfreq_bin = round(lfreq / F_STEP) 			
			hfreq = lfreq + (2 * h['frange'])
			hfreq_bin = round(hfreq / F_STEP) 
  1. if debug:
  2. print "lfreq_bin:", lfreq_bin, " hfreq_bin", hfreq_bin

			data = stream.read(chunk)
			float_buffer = struct.unpack('@' + 'f'*1024, data)
			b = numpy.array(float_buffer)
			c = numpy.fft.rfft(b)

			d = numpy.square(abs(c))
			tot_pow = numpy.sum(d[lfreq_bin:hfreq_bin+1])
			mov_avg_buffer[mov_avg_index] = tot_pow
  1. if debug:
  2. print "mov_avg_buf: ", mov_avg_buffer[0:h['mov_avg_window']]

			h['pbc'] = power_base_cnt

			if power_base_cnt < h['mov_avg_window']:
				power_base_acc += tot_pow
				power_base = power_base_acc / h['mov_avg_window']
				power_base_cnt += 1
  1. print power_base_acc, ' ', power_base
				chk_enable = False
				chk_enable = True

			mov_avg = numpy.sum(mov_avg_buffer[0:h['mov_avg_window']]) / h['mov_avg_window'] 
  1. if debug or not chk_enable :
  2. print 'mov_avg: ', mov_avg

			mov_avg_index += 1 
			if mov_avg_index == h['mov_avg_window']:
				mov_avg_index = 0

			h['mov_avg'] = float(mov_avg)

			pct_change = abs((mov_avg - power_base)/power_base) * 100

			h['pct_change'] = float(pct_change)

			initialize = True

			if ((pct_change > h['td_thresh']) and chk_enable)  :
  1. print "pct_change: ", pct_change, ' chk_enable: ', chk_enable
				h['touch'] = True
				h['enable'] = False
  1. print "Detected Power Change"

			debug = False
			if initialize :
				h['touch'] = False
  1. if debug:
  2. print "Initializing"
				float_buffer   = numpy.zeros(1024)
				mov_avg_buffer = numpy.zeros(1024)
				mov_avg_index  = 0
				power_base_acc = 0.0
				power_base     = 0.0
				power_base_cnt = 0
				initialize = False
				chk_enable = False
				debug = True

except KeyboardInterrupt?:

	raise SystemExit?

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Edited December 16, 2011 2:27 am by Mikegg (diff)
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