convert Blender to .ngc
- 1. about
- 2. donation
- 3. requirements
- 4. tips
- 5. home page
- 6. download
- 7. how to install it
- 8. how to use it
- 9. screenshots
- 10. video & video tutorials
- 11. feed back
1. about
It is a script for Blender. It can generate gcode ideal for LinuxCNC :) it export from mesh ( vertex / edge / edges (outlines) / objects ) to 2d, 2.5d and full 3d for (3axis mill).
2. donation
- collect on the new hardware to write code.
- accept a donation: paypal (b.ceglik @
- Title: Support for mgcodegenerator
- or url:
3. requirements
- program capable of reading the file type gcode. not necessarily LinuxCNC)
- blender
- python
- linux / windows
4. tips
- 2d/2.5d/3d cam - gcode can be generated from the object type mesh not curve.
- 2d/2.5d cam - use of tool compensation is only possible with objects that have no errors in the grid. I recommend not to mix of objects made of meshs and edges. objects should be consistent. objects with protruding edges may generate errors. have not yet come to that so why sometimes the lines perfectly horizontal / vertical not generate correctly. solution is to gently rotate the object.
- 3d cam - to make surface tracking with higher quality put object on positive x ,y near 0,0 point. set edge detail to 5 ore more. edges will bi crisper. :)
5. home page
6. download
- - more speed
- - handler for two deep recursion
- - 3d beaks tweaks look at new screenshots;c:24&s=3d%20bake%20improvment
- - more speed !
- - new group "after import tools"
- - edges > join > fill - fix remove duplications :)
- - edges > join > fill - try to split separated objects
- - code clean up
- - set G00, G01 and z axis new limits
- - holders without midle dril
- - edges join fill now remove dublets in vectors
- - pockets surface mill now go closer to final edge (
- - multipass header move reduce
- - save it - different behaviors
- New features:
- - now you can define drill / impact speed in Z axis :)( usefully in case using two or leas leaf drills tools )
- New features:
- - work path manager
- - pocket generator
- This version has several improvements:
- - smearing of the old head working paths. no longer have to scribble the previous generated paths :) juupiii :)
- - mega super extra button: P " Mash > Join > Fill ". specifically for work on imported dxf, automation of transactions involving merger objects (join), removing duplication vertex and fill to get objects allowing to gen toolcompensation path. Now in one click
- 3d cam tune: faster, accurate detection of small surface, lack of objects falling into the.
- more compact ui
- now able to do that :);3d%20cam;edge%20detection
- streamlining operations 3dcam:
- fix avg work time :)
- now mGcodeGenerator save / load values :)
- clear g-codu generated.
- calculate the total, g0, g1 work long head
- calculate the probable time
- save the file with basic information about the generated code. diameter of the tool.
- New function! script is now able to generate multi pass work path :)
- New function! script automatic detect in / out mill and add CW or CCW direction of path work.
- New fiture. 2D/2.5D with or without tool compensation get (on/off) holders for cutting element. :)
- Work path order! Now the automatic detection of the outer edges of the parts. Reorganization of the railway tracks milling.
- speed up speed up speed up ~ 2 times faster :)
- repair some errors in 3d cam during path optimality
- added ability to force on / off tool compensatnion in 2d/2.5d cam
- Added ability to define height above the path the tool will work with speed G01 in 2d/2.5d cam
- repaired using z-axis when generating gcode is enabled using the tool compensation
added a function called "tool shape compensation" for 2/2.5d cam. how to use it. bearing plane. machine itself determines where the outline. downloading information about the tool diameter offset adds. if the plane will be holes. machine determines that the internal offset is added.
Action objects beige faces has not changed.
that the machine fared better with searching use the offset direction triangli. Check the edge of the grid. Do not use too many tools in diameter.
from time to time, sometimes there are some bugs
add inch/cm units toogle button.
optimalizatnio, optimalization optimalization
optimalization, speeed up (~300x faster)!! total rebuild of 3dcam
fixs and ands 091110_2316
add save as :P
add layer pass (layer % 2) == 0 on 0`; 1 on 90`
fix some optimalization problems with finding path to work
- first public release
7. how to install it
download the latest version of the script, unzip, move it to
- linux /usr/share/blender/scripts or ~/.blender/scripts
- Windows XP: C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts
- Windows XP (alt): C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts
- Windows Vista: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData?\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts
when you start Blender. change the type of window (lower left corner of the window) for scripts window.
script should be available from the menu wizard> to gcode
have fun:)
8. how to use it
Tools / speed settings:
- "inch./cm." - toggle button to choice units in generating file ( not press inch. / pressed mm. units )
- "CW / CCW" - toggle button to choice mill direction
- "Z axis safty" - it is a minimum height of tool from work area
- "Z height level" - [2d bake] at such a height above the path the tool will work with speed G01. [3d bake] height off milled single layer.
- "G00 speed" - hyy
- "G01 speed" - hyy :P
- "Tool size" - dimensions of tool
2D / 2.5D bake:
- "Bake 2d gcode (vertex only)" - click it and you will get a gcode only vertex of selected object/s.
it is cool to generate drills.
- "bake gcode" if (edges/s = false) - you will gate all edges of selected object/s without edges with are share with two neighborhood faces ( :/ my english :( ).
it is perfect to generate some sign/s, letters
- "bake gcode" if (edges/s = true) - you will gate all edges of selected object/s
- "bake gcode (+tc)" - Tool compensation for 2d/2.5d bake. if (pressed) generator will try to make path with tool compensation. ( if "out/in" is not press you will get out of the object tool compensation, if press over obejct )
- holders - it will generate a holders for milling deatail.
- multipass - use for multi pass mil 2d/2.5d cam. counts of pass, height of mill pass
3D bake:
- "bake gcode" it generate 3d gcode - tool will pass from top to down if "pass 90" is true it will add 90` pass
- subdetect - it is value for sub detection / pubpixels. higher the slower but more accurate.
- sub pass - at a sub detect the path to be generated
3D bake - diagram explaining what is what
work example, dxf file download from web, import to blender, adds some mods, make nice render and generate gcode
a few words about how to use it
- translate to english
- oryginal polish wersion
9. screenshots
10. video & video tutorials
- - using pockets
- - example (bed for bearings)
11. feed back
Bartłomiej Ceglik
yoyoek[ no spam ]wp[ dot ]pl
if someone can correct my spelling :/