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Added: 21a22
To cause 'make' to proceed, you can tell it that the file exists and is older than any other file: make -o emc/kinematics/mmxavg.h. Assuming the references to this file were only in old dependency information, this will allow the build to proceed and will also replace the outdated dependency information. If that doesn't work, the next things to try are rm -rf depends to get rid of all cached dependency information, or make clean to get rid of all targets, object files, and dependency information.

When a header file is removed, the dependency information in depends/ will still refer to it after the update. This will lead to the message make: Failed to remake makefile `Makefile'.. The file that causes this error will be shown when invoking make --debug=m,b, as shown in the following transcript:
$ make --debug=b,m
GNU Make 3.81beta4
Copyright (C) 2003  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A

This program built for i486-pc-linux-gnu
Reading makefiles...
Updating makefiles....
    File `/home/jepler/emc2/src/emc/kinematics/mmxavg.h' does not exist.
   Must remake target `/home/jepler/emc2/src/emc/kinematics/mmxavg.h'.
   Failed to remake target file `/home/jepler/emc2/src/emc/kinematics/mmxavg.h'.
    File `emc/kinematics/mmxavg.h' does not exist.
   Must remake target `emc/kinematics/mmxavg.h'.
   Failed to remake target file `emc/kinematics/mmxavg.h'.
  File `emc/Submakefile' does not exist.
make: Failed to remake makefile `Makefile'.
To cause 'make' to proceed, you can tell it that the file exists and is older than any other file: make -o emc/kinematics/mmxavg.h. Assuming the references to this file were only in old dependency information, this will allow the build to proceed and will also replace the outdated dependency information. If that doesn't work, the next things to try are rm -rf depends to get rid of all cached dependency information, or make clean to get rid of all targets, object files, and dependency information.

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Last edited March 15, 2007 12:04 am by JeffEpler (diff)
Published under a Creative Commons License