[Home]History of ToolchangerProtocolProposal

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Revision 40 . . (edit) March 29, 2011 1:09 am by MichaelHaberler [*document -support-start-change option to iov2]
Revision 38 . . (edit) January 5, 2011 12:13 pm by MichaelHaberler
Revision 29 . . (edit) January 3, 2011 7:58 am by MichaelHaberler [*remove redundant -code]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 13c13
#handshaked signaling an abort/fault: from emc to toolchanger, and from toolchanger to emc to make sure an abort is reliably signaled in both directions, and optionally cause lock-step behaviour. Handshaking is optional and can be jumpered in HAL if not needed.
#handshaked signaling an abort/fault: an abort signaled by emc to the toolchanger, and a fault indicated from the toolchanger is handshaked to assure reliable signaling, and optionally force lock-step behaviour. Handshaking is optional and can be jumpered in HAL if not needed.

Changed: 19,20c19,20
** An abort is originated by EMC and will always cause immediate termination of the program, and the interpreter goes into idle mode. An abort is passed on to iocontrol with an associated reason code, and will terminate a tool prepare or change process under way. It is signalled to the toolchanger together with the reason code.
** A fault is a notification from toolchanger to iocontrol together with a reason code. A toolchanger may fault at any point in time. A fault indication will cause the next M6 to abort.
** An abort is originated by EMC and will always cause immediate termination of the program. The interpreter goes into idle mode. An abort is passed on to iocontrol with an associated reason code, and will terminate a tool prepare or change process under way. It is signalled to the toolchanger together with the reason code.
** A fault is a notification from toolchanger to iocontrol together with a reason code. A toolchanger may fault at any point in time. A fault indication will cause the next M6 to abort (to be precise, as soon as the start-change pin is about to be raised).

Changed: 49c49
*toolchanger-reason: S32,IN: convey reason code for toolchanger-originated fault to iov2. Usage: UI informational. Read during toolchanger-fault True. Non-zero values will cause an Axis operator operator message or error message, see below.
*toolchanger-reason: S32,IN: convey reason code for toolchanger-originated fault to iov2. Usage: signal wether to continue or abort the program, plus UI informational if negative. Read during toolchanger-fault True. Non-zero values will cause an Axis operator operator message or error message, see below.

Changed: 62,63c62
* [EMCIO] EMCIO : use iov2 here.
* [TASK] IO_MSG : printf-style template for operator display (positive toolchanger fault codes) . No quoting needed. Example: IO_MSG = Toolchanger message %d . Default: toolchanger message %d .
* [EMCIO] EMCIO : use iov2 here. You need to explicitly enable the start-change protocol by adding the " -support-start-change" option; otherwise the start-change pin remains low and start-change-ack is ignored. The reason for this is better backwards compatibility.

Changed: 67c66
The state pin reflects iov2's internal state, which is one of: IDLE (0), PREPARING(1), CHANGING(2), WAITING_FOR_ABORT_ACK(3).
The state pin reflects iov2's internal state, which is one of: IDLE (0), PREPARING(1), START_CHANGE(2), CHANGING(3), WAITING_FOR_ABORT_ACK(4).

Changed: 69c68
See the wiring example v2_gladevcp_postgui.hal . This connects iocontrol to a 'toolchanger' implemented as a gladevcp panel and shows the usage of all pins.
See the wiring example v2_gladevcp_postgui.hal . This connects iocontrol to a 'toolchanger' implemented as a gladevcp panel and shows the usage and current values of all pins.

Changed: 76c75
The start-change and start-change-ack lines are new. If you dont use that signal in the toolchanger, jumper in HAL as follows:
The start-change and start-change-ack lines are new. If you dont use that signal in the toolchanger, jumper in HAL as follows (this is needed only if the " -support-start-change" option is explicitly given to iov2):

Changed: 80c79
This feature was requested by skunkworks and helps speed up toolchanges by maximizing parallel operation of toolchanger and spindle change preparation.
This feature was requested by skunkworks and helps speed up toolchanges by maximizing parallel operation of toolchanger and spindle change preparation.

Removed: 106,107d104
NB: emc-abort is only signalled after EMC is out of the initial ESTOP.

Changed: 109c106
To signal toolchanger faults to EMC, wire the toolchanger-fault pin, and optionally the toolchanger-reason and toolchanger-ack pins. As stated above, a toolchanger fault will fail the next M6 operation.
To signal toolchanger faults to EMC, wire the toolchanger-fault pin, and optionally the toolchanger-reason and toolchanger-ack pins.

Changed: 114,116c111,113
* toolchanger-reason > 0 : An operator display message will be sent using the IO_MESSAGE template described above.
* toolchanger-reason < 0 : An operator error message is displayed by using the IO_ERROR template.
* toolchanger-reason = 0 : Silent - neither message or display.
* toolchanger-reason > 0 : The toolchange process is not completed and the program continues, however parameter #5060 is set to 1.0 to indicate the fault. Parameter #5601 contains the value of the toolchanger-reason pin.
* toolchanger-reason = 0 : the program is aborted
* toolchanger-reason < 0 : the program is aborted and an operator error message is displayed by using the IO_ERROR template.

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