[Home]History of PWM Servo Amplifiers

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Revision 29 . . January 17, 2014 4:22 am by Jmelson [Explain FF1 and FF2]
Revision 28 . . (edit) January 17, 2014 4:17 am by Jmelson
Revision 27 . . (edit) January 18, 2012 6:39 pm by Jmelson [update LinuxCNC]

Difference (from prior major revision) (author diff)

Changed: 70c70
opposite error after the end of movement. This is due to static friction, and indicates more
opposite error after the end of movement. This is due to static friction and mass, and indicates more

Changed: 81c81,85
also at the accelerations.</td><td>
also at the accelerations. FF1 adds additional power to the motor at constant velocity,
and can reduce error during the "cruise" phase of motion. FF2 adds additional power
during acceleration, and should be used in VERY small amounts. Try starting with
.001, and adjust for minimum error during the accel/decel part of the move. If in doubt,
reduce the value to make sure you are not overdoing the amount of FF2.</td><td>

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