How EMC1/2 works: :EMC Components :GUI Interfaces ::AXIS - The AxisGui is a modern front-end for EMC with preview and backplot. :EMCTask :EMCMot :: Trapezoidal velocity profile trajectory planner :: TrajectoryControl :Kinematics :EMCIO :HAL the Hardware Abstraction Layer Sources of Documentation for EMC2: * The [official Manuals] ** There are the *** User Manual *** Integrator Manual *** Developer Manual *** Manual Pages *** HAL User Manual ** They are available as PDF and HTML ** They are all english, but some is already translated to french ** They are available in different versions (2.2, 2.1, 2.0, cvs) * The manual pages of the installed software (same as "Manual Pages" above) * This wiki (see BasicSteps for how to edit) * of course [the source] * and sometimes also other docs linked from this wiki * also the mailing list archive (see EmcKnowledgeBase under Communication) * (add others if you know some) A tutorial on running the Stepconf wizard to set up a basic stepper system has been created, to help those unfamiliar with a Linux based system - Also the tutorial can be downloaded as a PDF and printed off as a reference for going through the steps yourself These pages reflect the basic setup I went through setting up my Sieg X3 conversion(full free prints and instructions available) |