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Building a Xenomai Userland Tools Package

This howto describes building the Xenomai tools from git.

The Xenomai tools are needed by the Xenomai threads versions of LinuxCNC (xenomai-kernel and xenomai-user). See this page for more info: XenomaiKernel

This recipe was developed on Ubuntu Precise, amd64 arch, but will probably work for other versions of Debian-like distros and other arches.

It assumes you want to build a specific release. Building from the head of the master branch will need some tweaks to the below procedure.


Set variables needed for the build

Adjust the following values according to your needs.

 # Which xenomai release to use.  Stable version here:
 # http://download.gna.org/xenomai/stable/

 # Your name and email for the commit
 FULLNAME="John Doe"

install prerequisite packages

These may not be enough; git-buildpackage will print a list if more are needed.

 # package build prereqs
 sudo apt-get install devscripts debhelper dh-kpatches findutils
 # git build prereqs
 sudo apt-get install git-core git-buildpackage

download patch

This patch fixes a problem with the build. It will be sent upstream and hopefully integrated.

Download it into the current directory: upload:xenomai-2.6.2-rules_copy_kernel_patches.patch

Build xenomai

 # clone repo, check out tagged version into new branch
 git clone git://git.xenomai.org/xenomai-2.6.git
 cd xenomai-2.6
 git checkout -b v$XENO_VERSION-deb v$XENO_VERSION

 # update changelog
     debchange -v $XENO_VERSION Release $XENO_VERSION

 # remove the 'configure' script; this shouldn't be in git,
 # and git-buildpackage chokes when it removes configure and
 # there are resulting uncommitted changes in the repo
 git rm configure

 # commit changes
 git commit -am $XENO_VERSION --author="$FULLNAME <$EMAIL>"

 # fix copying of kernel patches in debian/rules and commit
 git apply -p1 < ../xenomai-2.6.2-rules_copy_kernel_patches.patch
 git commit -am "debian/rules:  fix kernel patch copying" \
     --author="$FULLNAME <$EMAIL>"

 # build the package
 git-buildpackage \
     --git-debian-branch=v$XENO_VERSION-deb \
     --git-export-dir=.. \
     -uc -us

 # install resulting packages
 cd ..
 sudo dpkg -i *.deb


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Edited January 8, 2013 5:28 am by Zultron (diff)
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