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This page describes the .ini config changes needed to run the joints_axes branches.

The joints_axes branches need some (fairly straightforward) changes your .ini file, and master and 2.5 won't run with those changes. So i suggest that you copy your foo.ini file to (for example) foo-ja3.ini and make your changes in the ja3 version of your ini. That way you'll be able to go back and forth between ja3 and the regular branches whenever you want to, by starting linuxcnc with the two different .ini files.

I may have missed some ini changes, if something doesn't work let us know (on the mailing list) and i'll try to update these instructions.

ini file changes


Add this section. Change the JOINTS value to however many joints your machine has.

    JOINTS = 3
    KINEMATICS = trivkins

Split the [AXIS_*] sections

Split all the [AXIS_n] sections into [AXIS_X] and [JOINT_0], [AXIS_Y] and [JOINT_1], etc.

  1. The [AXIS_*] sections get the HOME variable.
  2. The [JOINT_*] sections get all the other variables.
  3. The MAX_VELOCITY and MAX_ACCELERATION variables should be duplicated in both [AXIS_*] and [JOINT_*].

hal file changes

pin name changes

Many of the axis.N.* pins have changed name to joint.N.*

track ini changes

Since some ini file variables moved from the [AXIS_*] sections to the corresponding [JOINT_*] sections, any references to those variables in the hal file need to be changed to use the new name.

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Edited October 10, 2013 10:33 pm by SebKuzminsky (diff)
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