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Step 1: install necessary client and server programs

Install Windows X server - I used Cygwin-X

follow the directions at http://x.cygwin.org/

make sure sshd is installed on the EMC machine

type apt-get install ssh if you're running a BDI installation. Otherwise use your systems package manager.

SSH generally comes with both client and server in the same package.

Step 2: test the SSH connection: from a cygwin prompt, type ssh -l your_emc_user_name {IP address / hostname of EMC machine} (you can also use an ssh client like putty for testing) say yes when asked if you want to add the server's key to your known_hosts file enter your password.

If that works, then go on, otherwise fix the problem (sorry, can't be of much help here - see an ssh help


Step 3: run the Cygwin X-Server from a Cygwin shell, type startx

this should eventually result in an xterm being opened on your Windows machine

From the xterm, type xhost +{IP address / hostname of EMC machine} then, from the xterm, connect to the EMC machins using the following command: ssh -Y -l your_emc_user_name {IP address / hostname of EMC machine}

the -Y option tells ssh to accept incoming X connections

from your new ssh shell (within the xterm), you need to set the DISPLAY environment variable so that any

programs you run on the EMC machine know where to send their display data:


Now, you can run programs just as though you were at a terminal on the EMC machine:

try it - run kate: kate &

after a small pause, you should get a KDE Editor window on your Windows desktop. EMC can also be run, with the display on your windows box: cd /usr/local/emc && ./generic.run &

All done! wasn't that easy?

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Edited November 4, 2005 1:33 am by Stephen Wille Padnos (diff)
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