(redirected from Debian Wheezy Linux-Rt Compile LinuxCNC)


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This page used to describe how to build a now-outdated LinuxCNC branch for a variety of kernels on Debian Wheezy.

To install a copy of Debian Wheezy with an "RTAI" realtime kernel, please follow the instructions here: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.distributions.emc.user/52401 This comes with the latest-at-time-of-writing 2.6 prerelease. You can use master branch by enabling buildbot packages or by building them yourself.

If you are interested in the experimental "RT-PREEMPT" realtime on Debian Wheezy that has been merged with the LinuxCNC master branch, please follow the instructions on the wiki page Uspace.

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Last edited October 26, 2017 6:33 pm by KimK (diff)
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