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Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 43c43

Changed: 48,53c48,53

Changed: 56,57c56,57
After installing emc2.3.2, download the following packages and install them at the commandline using dpkg:
After installing emc2.3.3, download the following packages and install them at the commandline using dpkg:

Because there are several minor incompatabilities between 2.2.8 and 2.3.x, your existing install will not automatically be updated to 2.3.x. If you want to run 2.3.x, change to the emc-2.3 repository by following these instructions:

run System/Administration/Synaptic Package Manager

go to Settings/Repositories

In the list of Third-Party software there should be at least two lines for linuxcnc.org. (If there are no entries for linuxcnc.org see [Repository Updating]?)

For each of them:

Close the "Software Preferences" window

Click "Reload" as instructed

Click "Mark All Upgrades"

If you use a mesa card, find the proper emc2-firmware package for your card and mark it for installation. Hint: do a search for "emc2-firmware" in the synaptic package manager.

Click "Apply"

Once you have done the upgrade, update any custom configurations by following these instructions: UPDATING

As future 2.3.x versions become available, the ubuntu package manager will prompt you to install them as updates.

Returning to emc 2.2.8

If you discover problems with this release, you can return to the old stable release, 2.2.8. (Please also let us know about the problem you encountered, so we can fix it!)

To return to emc 2.2.8, go back to the Software Sources window, change emc2.3 back to emc2.2. "Reload". Find emc2 in the package list. Select "Force Version" in the menu. Choose "1:2.2.8". If you have emc2-dev installed, select it and Force Version for it too. Choose "Apply".

Installing off-line (32-bit systems)

Download the following packages and install them at the commandline using dpkg:

Download one or more mesa firmware images if you use the hostmot2 driver:


Installing emc2-dev offline

After installing emc2.3.3, download the following packages and install them at the commandline using dpkg:

Generating package download lists

On a system freshly installed from "aj07", use commandlines like
 apt-get -y --print-uris install emc2-dev build-essential git-core gitk git-gui | awk '/http/ {print $1}'

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Last edited July 26, 2009 9:25 am by JeffEpler (diff)
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