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1. Finding the material top with Probe

: If you have a floating head with a switch to detect the material top use a G38 straight probe to locate the material top prior to touching off the torch. To use a probe you have to "hook it up" using hal to motion.probe-input.

:You can choose any input-mode parallel port pin--10, 11, 12, 13, or 15.
:connect it in your hal file with a line like
: net probe parport.0.pin-10-in => motion.probe-input

:If the signal is inverted (starts at 5V when probe is not in contact, goes to 0V when the probe makes contact), then use the inverted version of the pin:
: net probe parport.0.pin-10-in-not => motion.probe-input

Things related to plasma tables... Under Construction...


1. Drive Systems
2. Finding the material top with Probe
3. Turning the Plasma Torch On and Off
4. Torch Height Controls
5. pyVCP Example showing the status of the torch
6. Getting the best performance from your plasma table
7. Misc. Plasma Stuff

1. Drive Systems

2. Finding the material top with Probe

If you have a floating head with a switch to detect the material top use a G38 straight probe to locate the material top prior to touching off the torch. To use a probe you have to "hook it up" using hal to motion.probe-input.

You can choose any input-mode parallel port pin--10, 11, 12, 13, or 15.
connect it in your hal file with a line like
net probe parport.0.pin-10-in => motion.probe-input

If the signal is inverted (starts at 5V when probe is not in contact, goes to 0V when the probe makes contact), then use the inverted version of the pin:
net probe parport.0.pin-10-in-not => motion.probe-input

3. Turning the Plasma Torch On and Off

4. Torch Height Controls

5. pyVCP Example showing the status of the torch

6. Getting the best performance from your plasma table

When 2.3 is ready or if you are running 2.3 trunk you can take advantage of the G64Pn naive cam detector for short arcs and lines.
Just program a G64Pn P tolerance at the start of your file to get higher speeds for short moves when cutting.

7. Misc. Plasma Stuff

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Last edited June 1, 2008 7:43 am by BigJohnT (diff)
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