[Home]Keyboard Shortcuts

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Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Removed: 3d2

Added: 23a23
End touch off selected axis

Changed: 41c41

Changed: 50,80c50,80
bind . <KeyPress?-F1> {toggleEstop}
bind . <KeyPress?-F2> {toggleMachine}
bind . <KeyPress?-F3> {emc_mode manual}
bind . <KeyPress?-F4> {emc_mode auto}
bind . <KeyPress?-F5> {emc_mode mdi}
bind . <KeyPress?-F6> {emc_task_plan_init}
bind . <KeyPress?-F10> {break}

bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-0> {axisSelect 0}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-grave> {axisSelect 0}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-1> {axisSelect 1}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-2> {axisSelect 2}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-3> {axisSelect 3}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-4> {axisSelect 4}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-5> {axisSelect 5}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-at> {toggleCmdAct?}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-numbersign> {toggleRelAbs?}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-dollar> {toggleJointWorld?}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-comma> {decrJogSpeed?}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-period> {incrJogSpeed?}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-c> {toggleJogType?}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-i> {toggleJogIncrement?}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-x> {axisSelect 0}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-y> {axisSelect 1}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-z> {axisSelect 2}
bind ManualBindings? <$modifier-t> {popupToolOffset?}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-b> {emc_brake off}
bind ManualBindings? <Shift-KeyPress?-B> {emc_brake on}
bind ManualBindings? <$modifier-t> {popupToolOffset?}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-F7> {toggleMist}

bind . <KeyPress-F1> {toggleEstop}
bind . <KeyPress-F2> {toggleMachine}
bind . <KeyPress-F3> {emc_mode manual}
bind . <KeyPress-F4> {emc_mode auto}
bind . <KeyPress-F5> {emc_mode mdi}
bind . <KeyPress-F6> {emc_task_plan_init}
bind . <KeyPress-F10> {break}

bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-0> {axisSelect 0}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-grave> {axisSelect 0}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-1> {axisSelect 1}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-2> {axisSelect 2}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-3> {axisSelect 3}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-4> {axisSelect 4}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-5> {axisSelect 5}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-at> {toggleCmdAct}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-numbersign> {toggleRelAbs}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-dollar> {toggleJointWorld}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-comma> {decrJogSpeed}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-period> {incrJogSpeed}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-c> {toggleJogType}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-i> {toggleJogIncrement}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-x> {axisSelect 0}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-y> {axisSelect 1}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-z> {axisSelect 2}
bind ManualBindings <$modifier-t> {popupToolOffset}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-b> {emc_brake off}
bind ManualBindings <Shift-KeyPress-B> {emc_brake on}
bind ManualBindings <$modifier-t> {popupToolOffset}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-F7> {toggleMist}

Changed: 82,85c82,85
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-F8> {toggleFlood}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-F9> {toggleSpindleForward?}
bind ManualBindings? <KeyPress?-F10> {toggleSpindleReverse?}
bind ManualBindings? <Home> {emc_home $activeAxis}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-F8> {toggleFlood}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-F9> {toggleSpindleForward}
bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-F10> {toggleSpindleReverse}
bind ManualBindings <Home> {emc_home $activeAxis}

Changed: 87,106c87,106
bind AutoBindings? <KeyPress?-1> {emc_feed_override 10}
bind AutoBindings? <KeyPress?-2> {emc_feed_override 20}
bind AutoBindings? <KeyPress?-3> {emc_feed_override 30}
bind AutoBindings? <KeyPress?-4> {emc_feed_override 40}
bind AutoBindings? <KeyPress?-5> {emc_feed_override 50}
bind AutoBindings? <KeyPress?-6> {emc_feed_override 60}
bind AutoBindings? <KeyPress?-7> {emc_feed_override 70}
bind AutoBindings? <KeyPress?-8> {emc_feed_override 80}
bind AutoBindings? <KeyPress?-9> {emc_feed_override 90}
bind AutoBindings? <KeyPress?-0> {emc_feed_override 100}
bind AutoBindings? <KeyPress?-at> {toggleCmdAct?}
bind AutoBindings? <KeyPress?-numbersign> {toggleRelAbs?}
bind AutoBindings? <KeyPress?-o> {fileDialog}
bind AutoBindings? <KeyPress?-r> {emc_run $runMark ; set runMark 0}
bind AutoBindings? <KeyPress?-p> {emc_pause}
bind AutoBindings? <KeyPress?-s> {emc_resume}
bind AutoBindings? <KeyPress?-a> {emc_step}
bind AutoBindings? <KeyPress?-v> {emc_run -1}
bind AutoBindings? <$modifier-t> {popupToolOffset?}
bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-1> {emc_feed_override 10}
bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-2> {emc_feed_override 20}
bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-3> {emc_feed_override 30}
bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-4> {emc_feed_override 40}
bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-5> {emc_feed_override 50}
bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-6> {emc_feed_override 60}
bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-7> {emc_feed_override 70}
bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-8> {emc_feed_override 80}
bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-9> {emc_feed_override 90}
bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-0> {emc_feed_override 100}
bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-at> {toggleCmdAct}
bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-numbersign> {toggleRelAbs}
bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-o> {fileDialog}
bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-r> {emc_run $runMark ; set runMark 0}
bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-p> {emc_pause}
bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-s> {emc_resume}
bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-a> {emc_step}
bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-v> {emc_run -1}
bind AutoBindings <$modifier-t> {popupToolOffset}

Function and Accelerator Keys

 Escape  abort motion                        <-|
 F1      toggle estop/estop reset state        |
 F2      toggle machine off/machine on state   |- work in MDI mode also
 F3      manual mode                           |
 F4      auto mode                             |
 F5      MDI mode                            <-|
 F6      reset interpreter
 F7      toggle mist on/mist off
 F8      toggle flood on/flood off
 F9      toggle spindle forward/off
 F10     toggle spindle reverse/off
 F11     decrease spindle speed              <-|- work in MDI mode also
 F12     increase spindle speed              <-|
 x       select X axis
 y       select Y axis
 z       select Z axis
 Left, Right Arrow  jog X axis
 Up, Down Arrow     jog Y axis
 Page Up, Down      jog Z axis
 Home    home selected axis
 End     touch off selected axis
 <, >    decrement or increment axis speed
 c/C     select continuous jogging
 i/I     select incremental jog, and toggle through increments
 1-9,0   set feed override to 10%-90%, 0 is 100%
 @       toggle commanded/actual position display
 #       toggle absolute/relative position display
 o/O     open a program
 r/R     run an opened program
 p/P     pause an executing program
 s/S     resume a paused program
 a/A     step one line in a paused program
 b       take spindle brake off
 Alt-b   put spindle brake on
 Alt-s   start logging
 Alt-p   pause logging
 Alt-f   save log file
 Ctrl-p  print log file (if /usr/X11R6/bin/xgraph is installed)

Note that MDI mode disables most of the keys, since they are valid symbols that can be typed in. F1-F5 work in MDI, as do the spindle speed change keys F11 and F12.

tkemc Bindings

These are the actual bindings from the tkemc source.

 bind . <KeyPress-F1> {toggleEstop}
 bind . <KeyPress-F2> {toggleMachine}
 bind . <KeyPress-F3> {emc_mode manual}
 bind . <KeyPress-F4> {emc_mode auto}
 bind . <KeyPress-F5> {emc_mode mdi}
 bind . <KeyPress-F6> {emc_task_plan_init}
 bind . <KeyPress-F10> {break}

 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-0> {axisSelect 0}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-grave> {axisSelect 0}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-1> {axisSelect 1}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-2> {axisSelect 2}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-3> {axisSelect 3}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-4> {axisSelect 4}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-5> {axisSelect 5}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-at> {toggleCmdAct}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-numbersign> {toggleRelAbs}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-dollar> {toggleJointWorld}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-comma> {decrJogSpeed}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-period> {incrJogSpeed}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-c> {toggleJogType}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-i> {toggleJogIncrement}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-x> {axisSelect 0}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-y> {axisSelect 1}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-z> {axisSelect 2}
 bind ManualBindings <$modifier-t> {popupToolOffset}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-b> {emc_brake off}
 bind ManualBindings <Shift-KeyPress-B> {emc_brake on}
 bind ManualBindings <$modifier-t> {popupToolOffset}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-F7> {toggleMist}

 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-F8> {toggleFlood}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-F9> {toggleSpindleForward}
 bind ManualBindings <KeyPress-F10> {toggleSpindleReverse}
 bind ManualBindings <Home> {emc_home $activeAxis}

 bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-1> {emc_feed_override 10}
 bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-2> {emc_feed_override 20}
 bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-3> {emc_feed_override 30}
 bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-4> {emc_feed_override 40}
 bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-5> {emc_feed_override 50}
 bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-6> {emc_feed_override 60}
 bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-7> {emc_feed_override 70}
 bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-8> {emc_feed_override 80}
 bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-9> {emc_feed_override 90}
 bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-0> {emc_feed_override 100}
 bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-at> {toggleCmdAct}
 bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-numbersign> {toggleRelAbs}
 bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-o> {fileDialog}
 bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-r> {emc_run $runMark ; set runMark 0}
 bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-p> {emc_pause}
 bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-s> {emc_resume}
 bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-a> {emc_step}
 bind AutoBindings <KeyPress-v> {emc_run -1}
 bind AutoBindings <$modifier-t> {popupToolOffset}

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Last edited August 30, 2013 6:33 pm by Nebk (diff)
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