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Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff)

Added: 79a80,100

SOME of you folks wanted to have the original G150 as a parallel path so here is G150.1



1. Rectangular-Circular Python Pocketing Generator

some of you may prefer a Generator also :
put this file to your Nc_code folder by right clicking it and save to
then open it in axis -> on some OS you may have to chmod to executable first!
**This is for Generating simple Pocket Style Toolpathes with Different depth/step-over
**Version 1 does only support Zero Path but you can simply edit the final path to G41
**Screenshot :
*** Written by Sammel Lothar Germany

G150 is the Special G-code to generate multiple paths to Mill Rectangular Pockets  at given center!.

i will make a pythen Gui for G12/G13 G150 Haas like Milling Cycels into th Simple G-code Generator side !

for all ho like this G-code here is a Equal for Axis EMC!

 (Rectangular Spiral Pocket)
#1=3.0	(tooldiameter)
#2=30.0 (rectangular Pocket X length)
#3=15.0	(rectangular Pocket Y length)
#4=0.0	(centerX)
#5=0.0  (centerY)
#6=-5.0 (Final Depth)
#7=2.0 	(safeZ)
#8=1.0	(stepover XY)
#9=-2.0	(stepover Z)
#10=100 (feedrateZ)
#11=200 (feedrateXY)

(calculate How many times into while)
O100 if [#2 GT #3]
O100 else
O100 endif
(calculate Stepover New)
#15=[[#2-#1]/[#20*2]] (New X-Stepover)
#16=[[#3-#1]/[#20*2]] (New Y-Stepover)

G17 	(XY Plane)
G21	(Metric) 
G90	(Absolute) 
G61	(Exact Path)
(Rectangular Spiral)
G0 X#4 Y#5 (Move Center)
G0 Z#7
G1 Z0 F#10
(Depth Cycle Control)
O95 while [#6 lt 0]
   O97 If [#6 lt #9] 
	G1 G91 Z#9 
   O97 else
        G1 G91 Z#6
   O97 endif
#21=1 (start value for while)
O100 while[#21 lt #20]
F#11 G91 X#30
O100 endwhile
(finish Rect)
G1 G90 X[#4+[#2/2.0]-[#1/2.0]] Y[#5+[#3/2.0]-[#1/2.0]]
G1 G90 X#4 Y#5
O95 endwhile
G0 G90 Z#7

SOME of you folks wanted to have the original G150 as a parallel path so here is G150.1



1. Rectangular-Circular Python Pocketing Generator

some of you may prefer a Generator also : put this file to your Nc_code folder by right clicking it and save to then open it in axis -> on some OS you may have to chmod to executable first!

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Last edited August 16, 2010 6:30 pm by Sammel Lothar (diff)
Published under a Creative Commons License