[Home]EMC Fest 2009

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Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Added: 50a51,52
Sam Sokolik / Dad - Driving down Friday back tuesday.

Added: 69a72,73
* 150v 20a simple current limited H-bridge to play with - and extra parts ;) --sam
* Pluto and laptop it runs on. --sam


1. EMC Fest Cam
2. Intro
3. Planning to attend
4. Planning to bring
5. Hope someone else brings
6. Things we hope to discuss or work on
7. Workshops, Presentations, Classes
8. IRC

1. EMC Fest Cam

If the web CAM gets set up this year, a link should be here.

2. Intro

The EMC Fest for 2009 will be a stand alone event in Wichita, KS because of the unfortunate cancellation of this year's CNC Workshop. We all hope the CNC Workshop will resume next year under the combined auspices of Roland Friestad (the original host) and The Digital Machinists magazine.

This year's EMC fest will be hosted by:

MPM INc. (Stuart Stevenson)
2100 S. West Street
Wichita, KS 67213

Thursday May 21 through Wednesday May 27, 2009

This is a working commercial shop. Please bring safety glasses and follow the rules.

Questions to the EMC users list, or if necessary, 316-945-1227.

3. Planning to attend

Jeff Epler - all week - I'll have a car

Chris Radek

John Kasunich

Stephen Willie Padnos

Matt Shaver - all week - I'll have a car (if it makes it...)

Steve Stallings - Saturday to Wednesday

Jon Elson (arrive evening 5/21 - leave 5/27 evening?) will have car

Stuart Stevenson (our host)

Sebastian Kuzminsky - arrive Wednesday afternoon, leave Monday morning - I'll have a small pickup truck

Ken Lerman - arrive Sunday afternoon, leave Thursday morning. Staying at Days Inn.

John Ackland - all week - driving minivan, bringing equipment. Staying at Western Holiday.

Kim Kirwan - all week - carpooling w/ John, bringing equipment. Staying at Western Holiday.

Sam Sokolik / Dad - Driving down Friday back tuesday.

(three more coming in just for the weekend?)

  add your name here, see instructions and link at bottom of page under BasicSteps

4. Planning to bring

5. Hope someone else brings

6. Things we hope to discuss or work on

7. Workshops, Presentations, Classes

Idea for 2009: Record video of the workshops, presentations, and classes. Put it on youtube.

8. IRC

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Last edited May 21, 2009 6:41 pm by 68-115-41-210.static.eucl.wi.charter.com (diff)
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