[Home]Building RTAI 5.2 Packages

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The first steps are Copied directly from https://github.com/NTULINUX/RTAI

Also see https://github.com/SebKuzminsky/linux-rtai-build (which is a very well documented system for building several different flavours of RTAI automatically. I don't know why I didn't use it...

Installing RTAI

Commands marked with # specify root, commands marked with $ are user commands.

1.) Download the RTAI source

$ git clone https://github.com/NTULINUX/RTAI.git

Make patched kernel packages

2.) Patch kernel with IPIPE, in this case we use 4.14.132

$ sudo rm -rf /usr/src/000*.patch /usr/src/linux $ cd /usr/src $ sudo wget https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v4.x/linux-4.14.132.tar.xz $ sudo tar xf linux-4.14.132.tar.xz $ sudo ln -sfv linux-4.14.132 linux $ sudo cp -aLv /path/to/this/RTAI-git-tree/ksrc/patches/v4.14.132/*.patch /usr/src/ $ cd linux $ sudo patch -p1 < ../0001*.patch $ sudo patch -p1 < ../0002*.patch $ sudo patch -p1 < ../0003*.patch $ sudo patch -p1 < ../0004*.patch $ sudo make olddefconfig $ sudo make menuconfig

// Differs here from NTULinux //

in the menu configuration select General Config -> Local version - append to kernel release Use "-rtai-amd64". This will avoid a problem later with RTAI config needing two parameters.

$ sudo make $ sudo make install && sudo make modules_install

On debian this will automatically update grub and set the system to boot from the new kernel.

REBOOT (and check with uname -r that the new kernel is running: 4.14.132-rtai-amd64

If the kernel boots you can now make kernel packages:

$ sudo make deb-pkg


Make RTAI application packages

4.) Configure, build and install RTAI (MUST BE BOOTED INTO YOUR NEW RTAI KERNEL)

$ cd ~/RTAI $ ./autogen.sh $ ./configure

Now set up debian. The NTULINUX repo now contains the magic sauce from: https://github.com/SebKuzminsky/rtai/tree/old-3.9-debs/debian

Consider changing the maintainer name in configure.in Create a git tag to have a release number: git tag -a 5.2.2-linuxcnc -m "experimental RTAI debs for LinuxCNC"

update the changelog: $ debian/update-dch-from-git $ debian/configure 4.14.132 rtai amd64

build packages: $ dpkg-buildpackage

This will give _many_ messages about missing math functions. Ignore these. There will also be an error about package signing and gpg, I need to find out how to fix that, but the debs are still built.


Install them $ sudo dpkg -i rtai-modules-4.14.132_5.2.2_amd64.deb

Make LinuxCNC Packages

First get the LinuxCNC source:

$ git clone https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc.git linuxcnc-dev

Select the branch you want to build:

$ git checkout 2.8

$ git pull

You must first apply all patches to LinuxCNC located in the linuxcnc_patches directory of the NTULINUX/RTAI repository before you run ./autogen.sh inside it's source tree.

To do this:

$ cd linuxcnc-dev $ patch -p1 /path/to/this/RTAI-git-tree/linuxcnc_patches/0001*.patch $ cd src $ ./autogen.sh

Configure to build with the currently running (should be RTAI) kernel.

$ debian/configure -r

LinuxCNC has many dependencies, get a list of these and install them:

$ dpkg-checkbuilddeps

(This will return a list that can be pasted after "sudo apt-get install" but that will need editing to remove minimum version number and alternatives)

build debian packages:

$ dpkg-buildpackage

YOU NOW SHOULD HAVE LINUXCNC Packages (in the folder below /linuxcnc-dev )

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Edited July 16, 2019 11:21 pm by Andyough (diff)
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