[Home]Adding More Controls To Simple Remote Pendant

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The original article has become quite dated and is replaced with a newer version for LinuxCNC 2.5 or above.
The original article has become quite dated and is replaced with a newer version for LinuxCNC 2.5 or above.

This page shows one example of adding new controls and features to the Simple Remote Pendant

     These programs are free software: you can redistribute them and/or modify
     them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     (at your option) any later version.

     These programs are distributed in the hope that they will be useful,
     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     GNU General Public License for more details.

     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
      along with this program.  If not, see<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>;.

This article was originally written for EMC versions that did not support o<filename> calls from the MDI line or the joypad. On newer versions that support o<filename> calls the "two step" actions can be greatly simplified by calling a single file, running it and returning instead of multiple MDI calls. We may submit a second streamlined version with this method in the future.

In this example we have added some new features to the Simple Remote Pendant. Machines are different and operators are different. You would most likely modify these setting to match the way you work but they do show some of the many options you have.

The original article has become quite dated and is replaced with a newer version for LinuxCNC 2.5 or above.


Part 1 adding incremental jog

Below shows John's Simple Remote Pendant with Incremental jog added. "##" comments were added to show changes.

It has not been tested yet and needs some house keeping. I will add a beep to indicate which mode it is in for machines where it is not easy to see the monitor and or an indicator on the panel.

It works as originally set up but now has 3 incremental jog settings (small, med. and large)

The incremental jogs require the sticks to be pushed all the way to activate to avoid accidentally jogging the wrong axis by not pushing the stick perfectly straight.

To toggle between continuous jog and incremental jog just hit the #4 button.

 # Include your customized HAL commands here
 # The commands in this file are run after the AXIS GUI (including PyVCP panel) starts
 ## for adding incremental moves to John's Joypad Simple Remote Pendant
 ## need linuxcnc 2.5 or better
 ## might want send signal to panel to indicate if continuous or incremental move

 ## change
 #loadrt or2 count=2
 #loadrt mux4 count=1

 ## to
 loadrt or2 count=4
 loadrt mux4 count=2
 loadrt toggle count=1
 loadrt near count=6
 loadrt and2 count=6
 loadrt mux2 count=3

 addf or2.0 servo-thread
 addf or2.1 servo-thread
 addf mux4.0 servo-thread

 ## addf new components

 addf or2.2 servo-thread
 addf or2.3 servo-thread
 addf mux4.1 servo-thread
 addf toggle.0 servo-thread
 addf mux2.0 servo-thread
 addf mux2.1 servo-thread
 addf mux2.2 servo-thread
 addf near.0 servo-thread
 addf near.1 servo-thread
 addf near.2 servo-thread
 addf near.3 servo-thread
 addf near.4 servo-thread
 addf near.5 servo-thread
 addf and2.0 servo-thread
 addf and2.1 servo-thread
 addf and2.2 servo-thread
 addf and2.3 servo-thread
 addf and2.4 servo-thread
 addf and2.5 servo-thread

 ## use near for incremental jog moves, must push stick all the way for movement and to avoid unexpected movement by not
 ## pushing stick straight, sensitivity can be adjusted

 setp near.0.in1 1
 setp near.1.in1 1
 setp near.2.in1 1
 setp near.3.in1 -1
 setp near.4.in1 -1
 setp near.5.in1 -1

 # set the jog speed for the joypad again use numbers that make sense for your machine
 setp mux4.0.in0 0 # this one must be 0 to prevent motion unless a button is pressed
 setp mux4.0.in1 25
 setp mux4.0.in2 100
 setp mux4.0.in3 200

 ## set the size of incremental moves
 setp mux4.1.in0 0
 setp mux4.1.in1 .001
 setp mux4.1.in2 .005
 setp mux4.1.in3 .010

 # To reverse the direction of an axis add the following, for continuous mode only
 setp input.0.abs-y-scale -127.5
 setp input.0.abs-rz-scale -127.5

 ## add for toggle to toggle between continuous and incremental jog
 net jog-inc toggle.0.in <= input.0.btn-top

 # the following does the magic of setting the jog speeds

 ### change below for change of pin name from 2.n to 2.5
 ### net remote-speed-slow or2.0.in0 input.0.btn-trigger
 ### net remote-speed-slow or2.0.in0 input.0.btn-joystick

 ## change below from
 #net remote-speed-slow or2.0.in0 input.0.btn-joystick
 #net remote-speed-medium or2.1.in0 input.0.btn-thumb
 #net remote-speed-fast or2.0.in1 or2.1.in1 input.0.btn-thumb2

 ## to
 net remote-speed-slow or2.0.in0 or2.2.in0 input.0.btn-joystick
 net remote-speed-medium or2.1.in0 or2.3.in0 input.0.btn-thumb
 net remote-speed-fast or2.0.in1 or2.1.in1 or2.2.in1 or2.3.in1 input.0.btn-thumb2

 net joy-speed-1 mux4.0.sel0 <= or2.0.out
 net joy-speed-2 mux4.0.sel1 <= or2.1.out
 net joy-speed-final halui.jog-speed <= mux4.0.out

 ## add
 net jog-size-1 mux4.1.sel0 <= or2.2.out
 net jog-size-2 mux4.1.sel1 <= or2.3.out
 net jog-size-final halui.jog.0.increment halui.jog.1.increment halui.jog.2.increment <= mux4.1.out

 ## change below from
 #net joy-x-jog halui.jog.0.analog <= input.0.abs-x-position
 #net joy-y-jog halui.jog.1.analog <= input.0.abs-y-position
 #net joy-z-jog halui.jog.2.analog <= input.0.abs-rz-position

 ## to
 setp mux2.0.in1 0
 setp mux2.1.in1 0
 setp mux2.2.in1 0

 ## hook up the joysticks
 net joy-x-sig mux2.0.in0 near.0.in2 near.3.in2 <= input.0.abs-x-position
 net joy-y-sig mux2.1.in0 near.1.in2 near.4.in2 <= input.0.abs-y-position
 net joy-z-sig mux2.2.in0 near.2.in2 near.5.in2 <= input.0.abs-rz-position

 ## send signal to analog jog if not in incremental jog mode
 net joy-x-jog halui.jog.0.analog <= mux2.0.out
 net joy-y-jog halui.jog.1.analog <= mux2.1.out
 net joy-z-jog halui.jog.2.analog <= mux2.2.out

 ## toggle from continuous to incremental jogs
 net joginc and2.0.in1 and2.1.in1 and2.2.in1 and2.3.in1 and2.4.in1 and2.5.in1 mux2.0.sel mux2.1.sel mux2.2.sel <= toggle.0.out

 ## if toggle is set for incremental and joystick is 1 or -1 make an incremental move

 ## hook up near outputs to and2. inputs
 net jogincx and2.0.in0 <= near.0.out
 net jogincy and2.1.in0 <= near.1.out
 net jogincz and2.2.in0 <= near.2.out
 net jogincxn and2.3.in0 <= near.3.out
 net jogincyn and2.4.in0 <= near.4.out
 net joginczn and2.5.in0 <= near.5.out

 ## and2 outputs to halui incremental jog
 net jogincx_final halui.jog.0.increment-plus <= and2.0.out
 net jogincy_final halui.jog.1.increment-plus <= and2.1.out
 net jogincz_final halui.jog.2.increment-plus <= and2.2.out
 net jogincxn_final halui.jog.0.increment-minus <= and2.3.out
 net jogincyn_final halui.jog.1.increment-minus <= and2.4.out
 net joginczn_final halui.jog.2.increment-minus <= and2.5.out

Part 2 adding more features

The below portion of a post gui file is for a 4 axis mill XYZW and shows a few more features. To switch to MDI mode required editing axis see post http://www.linuxcnc.org/index.php/english/component/kunena/?func=view&catid=21&id=24219

Make sure the HAL section of your ini file contains HALUI


 HALUI = halui

For audible feedback beep was installed see post http://www.linuxcnc.org/index.php/english/component/kunena/?func=view&catid=49&id=24901

The joypad is set up as John's Simple remote pendant with 3 proportional jog speeds plus the bellow features, the code that relates to each function is numbered for easier identification....

 #1 incremental jog, adds 3 incremental jog sizes to each axis
 #2 E stop
 #3 manual mode, switch AXIS to manual mode
 #5 set work coordinates, set coordinates with G10
 #6 spindle and feed overrides 
 #7 run stop pause resume buttons
 #8 go home, launch a sub program
 #9 toggle coolant, spindle, etc.
 #10 mdi mode, switch AXIS to manual mode (need to edit axis)

 With these settings from your remote pendant you have.

 Three proportional speeds of jogging
 Three incremental jog sizes
 Buttons to switch from proportional to incremental jog and back
 Set coordinate for each axis with G10, can be zero on whatever makes sense on your machine with audible feedback
 Toggle coolant, spindle, etc. on and off with one set of buttons
 Adjust spindle speed
 Adjust feed rate
 E stop
 Buttons to Switch from Manual to MDI mode and back
 Launch sub program such as Send machine home, first retract z to chosen position then send and x y home or another sub.
 Start, Pause, Resume, and Stop buttons

 For safety many of these require that you hit two buttons at the same time for the action to take place.

 ***CAUTION*** E stop uses halui estop and DOES NOT replace a true hardware Emergency Stop.

 Beep has been added to some of the buttons to confirm a button push if you cannot see the monitor. 

 With the below you can easily and accurately jog to a start position, set the work coordinates, run, stop, pause,and  resume a loaded   program, adjust your feed and spindle speed, toggle coolant, launch a sub, switch between manual and MDI   mode.

 In this case switching from incremental and manual mode is done with two separate buttons to avoid confusion and beep is used to produce audible feedback for some of the buttons. 

 On Joypad

 Button  #1 hold down and move joystick for 1st speed proportional jog or 1st size incremental jog input.0.btn-joystick
 Button  #2 hold down and move joystick for 2nd speed proportional jog or 2nd size incremental jog input.0.btn-thumb
 Button  #3 hold down and move joystick for 3rd speed proportional jog or 3rd size incremental jog input.0.btn-thumb2

 Button  #4 select incremental jog mode input.0.btn-top

 Button  #1 with Safety RUN loaded ngc program input.0.btn-joystick
 Button  #2 with Safety PAUSE running program input.0.btn-thumb
 Button  #3 with Safety RESUME running program input.0.btn-thumb2
 Button  #4 with Safety STOP running program input.0.btn-top

 Button  #5 Safety hold down first to activate items requiring safety input.0.btn-top2

 Button  #6 select analog (proportional) jog mode input.0.btn-pinkie

 Button  #8 use with safety to toggle coolant, spindle, etc.on and off input.0.btn-base2

 Button  #9 E stop input.0.btn-base3

 Button  #10 hold down and move joystick positive direction to use G10 to set work coordinates input.0.btn-base4

 Hat Left, Right Feed override input.0.abs-hat0x-is-pos input.0.abs-hat0x-is-neg
 Hat Up, Down Spindle speed override input.0.abs-hat0y-is-pos input.0.abs-hat0y-is-neg

 Left Joystick (x,y) down  switch to Manual mode input.0.btn-base5
 Right Joystick (z,zr) down switch to MDI mode input.0.btn-base6

 Right Joystick (z,zr) down with Safety activate sub program input.0.btn-base6

Here is a portion of an example postgui hal file...


 #Sept 1, 2012

 #Sept 15, 2012 edit .axis to add mdi "axisui.set-mdi-mode" button 
 #Sept 21, 2012 use flipflop to switch from manual to incremental and back 
 #Sept 28, 2012 add beep 

 # # features
 #1 incremental jog
 #2 e stop
 #3 manual mode
 #5 set work coordinates
 #6 spindle and feed override 
 #7 run stop pause resume
 #8 go home
 #9 toggle spindle
 #10 mdi mode

 loadrt or2 count=4
 loadrt flipflop count=1
 loadrt mux4 count=2
 loadrt toggle count=1
 loadrt near count=12
 loadrt toggle2nist count=1
 loadrt and2 count=20
 loadrt mux2 count=4
 loadrt not count=2

 addf or2.0 servo-thread
 addf or2.1 servo-thread
 addf mux4.0 servo-thread

 #1 incremental jog 
 addf or2.2 servo-thread
 addf or2.3 servo-thread
 addf mux4.1 servo-thread
 addf flipflop.0 servo-thread
 addf mux2.0 servo-thread
 addf mux2.1 servo-thread
 addf mux2.2 servo-thread
 addf near.0 servo-thread
 addf near.1 servo-thread
 addf near.2 servo-thread
 addf near.3 servo-thread
 addf near.4 servo-thread
 addf near.5 servo-thread
 addf and2.0 servo-thread
 addf and2.1 servo-thread
 addf and2.2 servo-thread
 addf and2.3 servo-thread
 addf and2.4 servo-thread
 addf and2.5 servo-thread
 addf mux2.3 servo-thread
 addf and2.15 servo-thread
 addf and2.16 servo-thread
 addf and2.18 servo-thread
 addf near.10 servo-thread
 addf near.11 servo-thread
 addf not.0 servo-thread

 #5 set work coordinates
 addf and2.6 servo-thread
 addf and2.7 servo-thread
 addf and2.8 servo-thread
 addf and2.17 servo-thread

 #7 run pause resume stop
 addf and2.9 servo-thread
 addf and2.10 servo-thread
 addf and2.11 servo-thread
 addf and2.12 servo-thread

 #6 spindle and feed overide
 addf near.6 servo-thread
 addf near.7 servo-thread
 addf near.8 servo-thread
 addf near.9 servo-thread

 #8 go home
 addf and2.13 servo-thread

 #9 toggle spindle
 addf and2.14 servo-thread
 addf toggle2nist.0 servo-thread
 addf toggle.0 servo-thread

 #10 MDI mode
 addf not.1 servo-thread
 addf and2.19 servo-thread

 #1 use near for incremental jog moves, must push stick all the way for movement and to avoid unexpected movement by not
 # pushing stick straight, sensitivity can be adjusted

 setp near.0.in1 1
 setp near.1.in1 1
 setp near.2.in1 1
 setp near.3.in1 -1
 setp near.4.in1 -1
 setp near.5.in1 -1
 setp near.10.in1 1
 setp near.11.in1 -1

 # set sensitivity default near is 1 so below sets near to be no more than .1 difference (.9 to 1.1) 
 setp near.0.difference .1
 setp near.1.difference .1
 setp near.2.difference .1
 setp near.3.difference .1
 setp near.4.difference .1
 setp near.5.difference .1
 setp near.10.difference .1
 setp near.11.difference .1

 # set the jog speed for the joypad again use numbers that make sense for your machine
 setp mux4.0.in0 0  # this one must be 0 to prevent motion unless a button is pressed
 setp mux4.0.in1 25
 setp mux4.0.in2 100
 setp mux4.0.in3 200

 #1 set the size of incremental moves
 setp mux4.1.in0 0
 setp mux4.1.in1 .001
 setp mux4.1.in2 .005
 setp mux4.1.in3 .010

 # To reverse the direction of an axis add the following, for analog mode only
 setp input.0.abs-y-scale -127.5
 setp input.0.abs-rz-scale -127.5

 #6 spindle and feed overide set near
 setp near.6.in1 1
 setp near.7.in1 1
 setp near.8.in1 1
 setp near.9.in1 -1

 setp near.6.difference .1
 setp near.7.difference .1
 setp near.8.difference .1
 setp near.9.difference .1

 #1 use button 4 to switch to incremental jog.  #7 use button 4 for stop program run
 net button-4 and2.12.in1 and2.18.in0 <= input.0.btn-top
 net jog-man-to-inc and2.18.in1 <= not.0.out
 net jog-inc halui.mdi-command-05 flipflop.0.set <= and2.18.out

 #1 use button 6 to switch to analog jog mode
 net jog-analog halui.mdi-command-06 flipflop.0.reset <= input.0.btn-pinkie

  # the following does the magic of setting the jog speeds

 # # # change below for change of pin name from 2.n to 2.5
 # # # net remote-speed-slow or2.0.in0 input.0.btn-trigger
 # # # net remote-speed-slow or2.0.in0 input.0.btn-joystick

 #1 use buttons 1 2 3 to set jog speed and incremental jog size  #7 use buttons 1 2 3 for run pause resume 
 net remote-speed-slow or2.0.in0 or2.2.in0 and2.9.in1 input.0.btn-joystick
 net remote-speed-medium or2.1.in0 or2.3.in0 and2.10.in1 input.0.btn-thumb
 net remote-speed-fast or2.0.in1 or2.1.in1 or2.2.in1 or2.3.in1 and2.11.in1 input.0.btn-thumb2

 net joy-speed-1 mux4.0.sel0 <= or2.0.out
 net joy-speed-2 mux4.0.sel1 <= or2.1.out
 net joy-speed-final halui.jog-speed <= mux4.0.out

 #1 add
 net jog-size-1 mux4.1.sel0 <= or2.2.out
 net jog-size-2 mux4.1.sel1 <= or2.3.out

 net jog-size-final halui.jog.0.increment halui.jog.1.increment halui.jog.2.increment halui.jog.8.increment <= mux4.1.out
 setp mux2.0.in1 0
 setp mux2.1.in1 0
 setp mux2.2.in1 0
 setp mux2.3.in1 0

 #1 hook up the joysticks
 net joy-x-sig mux2.0.in0 near.0.in2 near.3.in2 <= input.0.abs-x-position 
 net joy-y-sig mux2.1.in0 near.1.in2 near.4.in2 <= input.0.abs-y-position 
 net joy-z-sig mux2.2.in0 near.2.in2 near.5.in2 <= input.0.abs-rz-position 
 net joy-w-sig mux2.3.in0 near.10.in2 near.11.in2 <= input.0.abs-z-position

 #1 send signal to analog jog if not in incremental jog mode
 net joy-x-jog halui.jog.0.analog <= mux2.0.out
 net joy-y-jog halui.jog.1.analog <= mux2.1.out
 net joy-z-jog halui.jog.2.analog <= mux2.2.out
 net joy-w-jog halui.jog.8.analog <= mux2.3.out

 #1 switch from analog to incremental jogs 
 net joginc and2.0.in1 and2.1.in1 and2.2.in1 and2.3.in1 and2.4.in1 and2.5.in1 mux2.0.sel and2.15.in1 and2.16.in1 mux2.1.sel mux2.2.sel   mux2.3.sel <= flipflop.0.out

 # # if set for incremental and joystick is 1 or -1 make an incremental move

 #1  and2 outputs to halui incremental jog
 net jogincx_final halui.jog.0.increment-plus <= and2.0.out
 net jogincy_final halui.jog.1.increment-plus <= and2.1.out
 net jogincz_final halui.jog.2.increment-plus <= and2.2.out
 net jogincxn_final halui.jog.0.increment-minus <= and2.3.out
 net jogincyn_final halui.jog.1.increment-minus <= and2.4.out
 net joginczn_final halui.jog.2.increment-minus <= and2.5.out
 net jogincw_final halui.jog.8.increment-plus <= and2.15.out
 net jogincwn_final halui.jog.8.increment-minus <= and2.16.out

 #2 button 9 for estop
 net halui-estop halui.estop.activate <= input.0.btn-base3

 #3 push straight down on left stick to switch to manual mode
 net axis-man-mode axisui.set-manual-mode <= input.0.btn-base5

 #5 button 10 with each axis joystick to set work coordinates 
 net button_10 input.0.btn-base4 => and2.6.in0 and2.7.in0 and2.8.in0 and2.17.in0

 #  #  # MDI calls
  #5 set work coordinates next four
 net sel-xto halui.mdi-command-00 <= and2.6.out
 net sel-yto halui.mdi-command-01 <= and2.7.out
 net sel-zto halui.mdi-command-02 <= and2.8.out
 net sel-wto halui.mdi-command-03 <= and2.17.out

 # # # # #
 #Uncomment and use the following MDI_COMMANDS in the .ini file in the HALUI section"
 #these four set each axis to zero similar to touch off, but using G10 you can change to numbers to reflect the size of  #your edge finder these must be in the proper order
 #MDI_COMMAND = G10 L20 P1 X-.125 M101
 #MDI_COMMAND = G10 L20 P1 Y-.125 M102
 #MDI_COMMAND = G10 L20 P1 Z0.000 M103
 #MDI_COMMAND = G10 L20 P1 W0.000 M104

 #this sets the file to be run for home
 #MDI_COMMAND = o<home> call
 # #<home> uses M105 for song M111 to erase message

 #1 long beep for incremental, song for proportional
 # # # # #

 #1 and  #5
 # and2.0 - and2.5 for incremental move and2.6 and2.7 and2.8 and2.17 set work coordinates
 net xstick  and2.0.in0 and2.6.in1 <= near.0.out
 net ystick  and2.1.in0 and2.7.in1 <= near.1.out
 net zstick  and2.2.in0 and2.8.in1 <= near.2.out
 net xstickneg  and2.3.in0 <= near.3.out
 net ystickneg  and2.4.in0 <= near.4.out
 net zstickneg  and2.5.in0 <= near.5.out
 net wstick  and2.15.in0  and2.17.in1 <= near.10.out
 net wstickneg  and2.16.in0 <= near.11.out

 #6 use hat for feed speed override and spindle speed override

 #feed speed override
 net feedoverP halui.feed-override.increase <= input.0.abs-hat0x-is-pos
 net feedoverN halui.feed-override.decrease <=  input.0.abs-hat0x-is-neg

 #spindle speed override
 net spindleP halui.spindle-override.increase <= input.0.abs-hat0y-is-neg
 net spindleN halui.spindle-override.decrease <= input.0.abs-hat0y-is-pos

 #7  #8  #9  #10 safety button use the 5 button on the joypad for safety combine with Spindle on off, Run Pause Resume Stop, Home
 net safety_button5 and2.9.in0 and2.10.in0 and2.11.in0 and2.12.in0 and2.13.in0 and2.14.in0 not.0.in not.1.in <= input.0.btn-top2

 net hal-joystart halui.program.run halui.mode.auto <= and2.9.out
 net hal-joypause halui.program.pause <= and2.10.out
 net hal-joyresume halui.program.resume <= and2.11.out
 net hal-joystop halui.program.stop <= and2.12.out

 #8 right stick down with safety to run sub program  #10 right stick down for MDI mode
 net right_stick_down and2.13.in1 and2.19.in1 <= input.0.btn-base6
 net MDI_mode_safety_off and2.19.in0 <= not.1.out
 net MDI_mode axisui.set-mdi-mode <= and2.19.out
 net go_home halui.mdi-command-04 <= and2.13.out

 #9 toggle coolant on and off Safety and button 8
 net button8 and2.14.in1 <= input.0.btn-base2
 net tog_cool toggle.0.in <= and2.14.out
 net togn_cool toggle2nist.0.in <= toggle.0.out
 net cool_is_on toggle2nist.0.is-on <=  halui.flood.is-on
 net spindle_on  halui.flood.on <= toggle2nist.0.on
 net spindle_off halui.flood.off <= toggle2nist.0.off

Here are the user defined M codes...


 # 1 beep

 #! /bin/sh 
beep -f 1000 -l 500 -r 1 -d 200

 exit 0


 #2 beeps

 #! /bin/sh 
beep -f 1000 -l 500 -r 2 -d 200

 exit 0


 #3 beeps

 #! /bin/sh 
beep -f 1000 -l 500 -r 3 -d 200

 exit 0


 #4 beeps

 #! /bin/sh 
beep -f 1000 -l 500 -r 4 -d 200

 exit 0


 #beep song for sub program (charge) launch

 #! /bin/sh 

beep -f 261.6 -l 300 -n -f 329.6 -l 275 -n -f 392.0 -l 250 -n -f 392.0 -l 250 -n -f 1 -l 300 -n -f 329.6 -l 300 -n -f 392.0 -l 350 -n -f 1 -l 400

exit 0


 # beep for incremental

 #! /bin/sh 
beep -f 100 -l 200-n

 exit 0


 # beep for manual mode

 #! /bin/sh 
beep -f 1500 -d 20 -r 3

exit 0


          M0 (pause)
;z to home first then x y to home G53 g0 z0 G53 g0 x0y0

o<home> endsub


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Last edited October 26, 2017 7:00 pm by KimK (diff)
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