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This page describes how to upgrade from LinuxCNC 2.4.x to LinuxCNC 2.5.x. There is no one-step upgrade from EMC 2.3 to LinuxCNC 2.5. to perform such an upgrade, follow the instructions to upgrade from 2.3 to 2.4 first. (http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpdatingTo2.4) and then follow the steps on this page.

Getting LinuxCNC 2.5

As of version 2.5.0, the name of the project has changed from EMC2 to LinuxCNC. All programs with "emc" in the name have been changed to "linuxcnc" instead. All documentation has been updated.

Additionally, the name of the debian package containing the software has changed. Unfortunately this breaks automatic upgrades. To upgrade from emc2 2.4.X to linuxcnc 2.5.X, do the following:

On Ubuntu Lucid 10.04


First you need to tell your computer where to find the new LinuxCNC software:

  deb http://linuxcnc.org/ lucid base linuxcnc2.5

Now your computer knows about the new software, next we need to tell it to install it:

On Ubuntu Hardy 8.04


First you need to tell your computer where to find the new LinuxCNC software:

 deb http://linuxcnc.org/ hardy base linuxcnc2.5

Now your computer knows about the new software, next we need to tell it to install it:

Changes to your configuration

The user configs moved from $HOME/emc2 to $HOME/linuxcnc, so you will need to rename your directory, or move your files to the new place. In your user configs, check your ini file for references to the old path, such as [DISPLAY]PROGRAM_PREFIX. Update these by changing emc2 to linuxcnc.

The hostmot2 watchdog in LinuxCNC 2.5 does not start running until the HAL threads start running. This means it now tolerates a timeout on the order of the servo thread period, instead of requiring a timeout that's on the order of the time between loading the driver and starting the HAL threads. This typically means a few milliseconds (a few times the servo thread period) instead of many hundreds of milliseconds. The default has been lowered from 1 second to 5 milliseconds. You generally don't need to set the hm2 watchdog timeout any more, unless you've changed your servo thread period.

The old driver for the Mesa 5i20, hal_m5i20, has been removed after being deprecated in favor of hostmot2 since early 2009 (version 2.3.) If you are still using this driver, you will need to build a new configuration using the hostmot2 driver. Pncconf may help you do this, and we have some sample configs (hm2-servo and hm2-stepper) that act as examples.

If you are using a usb joypad you may need to rename the pin

 input.0.btn-joystick .

If you are using NGCGUI you will need to edit your configuration file to remove the line

 USER_COMMAND_FILE = ./tkapp.py 
as the 2.5 version does not use it.

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Last edited January 28, 2013 10:37 am by Jthornton (diff)
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