Please use the 'RTAI Latency test' listed on this page to collect the results of your system:
Runs the test for at least 15 minutes, 24 hours is better, especially on laptops.
OVL MAX of 20,000 nS is good, less is better.
ANY overrun is bad, and the system should not be used with EMC.
Mobo or PC Mfg | Model, Revision | BIOS Ver | CPU Type, Speed, Bus, Cache | Video Card, Driver | EMC Version | OVL MAX (in nS) | Date Added (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Example: Acme | 1000, R1 | 3.45 | Pentium 14, 1PHz, 10KHz, 512KB | Trident 1000 onboard | EMC 99.3.1 | 9000 | 1776-07-04 |
Via | EPIA PX Pico-ITX | 1.04 | C7, 1GHz | VIA Unichrome Pro II 3D/2D AGP onboard | 2.2.4 livecd | > 100,000 + overruns | 2008-05-17 |
Tyan | S2518 (Thunder LE-T) | 1.09 | Dual P3 370, 1GHz, 100MHz, 256K | ATI Rage XL 4MB onboard | 2.1.7 | 14488 | 2008-05-17 |
Update: Tyan S2518 has a known (undocumented) issue with BIOS not retaining it's setting between power cycles. Tested on three boards, replacing battery on all three.