[Home]Named O-Words

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Named o-words for rs274ngc

(Note: named owords have now been implemented in Trunk (2008-03-15))

Named owords can have a similar syntax.

o<a label> is a named label. Named labels are of local scope with the exception of the named labels which refer to subroutines. Thus, two subroutines may have owords "o<Loop>" without causing an error.

 o<BoreHole> sub
 o<BoreHole> return
 o<BoreHole> end
 o<BoreHole> call

All refer to the same subroutine.

Local named owords are stored internally as the subroutine name, followed by an '#', followed by the local oword name. In the case of a local named oword that is not within a subroutine, '#' is prepended to the name. The character '#' may NOT be part of an o_word name.

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Last edited March 15, 2008 1:09 pm by KennethLerman (diff)
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