This page describes an example of a MESA 7i43 setup using the 7i33 and 7i37 daughter boards. This setup was implemented on a bridgeport clone.
- 1 X & Y Ball screw kit from HIWIN $700 USD
- 3 TECO 750w AC Servo amps and motors $600USD Each
- Timing belts and pulleys from Mc Master Carr $150 CAD
- 1 nugart 10:1 planetary gear drive for Z axis FREE!!!!
- 3 HP VFD 240 single phase input $500 CAD
- Mesa 7i43,7i33 & 7i37 Pricing on mesa website.
- Automation Direct Zip link breakout boards $200 CAD
- Euchner MPG pendant FREE!!! $700 to $1000 to buy
- First 9 x 42 Milling Machine $2500 CAD