Gladevcp is a GUI component for EMC2.
EMC2 version dependencies:
- It is available in the v2.5_branch and master branches of EMC2.
- It is not available in the v2.4 series of EMC2.
Platform dependencies:
- to edit gladevcp panels, you must have the minium Glade version 3.6.7 installed which is default on a 10.04 -based platform, but which is not available on 8.04.
- to install glade, run 'sudo apt-get install glade' .
- hence, to both edit and run gladevcp panels, you must be running on a 10.04 -based platform.
- you can run gladevcp panels on an 8.04 platform, but you will not be able to edit them. You need to edit them on 10.04, and save the files in libglade format, and with gtk catalog version 2.12 (see glade preferences tab). Then transfer them to the 8.04 platform.
- Not all gladevcp widgets are available on 8.04.
To edit gladevcp panels, the minimum required Glade version 3.6.7.
If you are building from source / git
the package dependenices will
not be automatically installed. To do so:
$ apt-get install python-gnome2 python-glade2 python-numpy python-imaging python-imaging-tk python-xlib python-gtkglext1 python-configobj python-gtksourceview2 glade
The original wiki pages have been deleted since they caused too much confusion.