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Changed: 1c1

Joint Vs. Axes inconsistencies in emc2 pre2.3 CVS

Joint Vs. Axes inconsistencies in emc2 pre2.3

Joint Vs. Axes inconsistencies in emc2 pre2.3

  1. Ini file -> IniChanges
    1. Both [JOINT_] and [AXIS_X|Y|Z] need to be present for nontrivkins
    2. for trivkins [AXIS_X|Y|Z|A|B|C|U|V|W] will be a nicer name (maybe allow loading of old configs with [AXIS_nr]
  2. canon
    1. interp/canon use the [AXIS_] max_vel's to plan coordinated moves. the same limits are used in joint space (jogging, homing, etc).
  3. motion
    1. EMCMOT_AXIS_foo should be EMCMOT_JOINT_foo (changed already)
  4. trajectory planner
    1. use joint limits for vel/accel

planned changes to canon

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Last edited June 20, 2009 3:42 pm by JeffEpler (diff)
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