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Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 3,6c3,6
* The "standard" Tkemc Frontend
* The "sherline" Mini Frontend
* The "modern" Axis Frontend
* The "textmode" [Keystick Frontend]?
* The "standard" TkEmc Frontend
* The "sherline" Mini Frontend
* The "modern" AxisGui
* The "textmode" Keystick Frontend

Changed: 9c9
* You can even try EMCDisplayOnWindows if you're adventurous
* You can even try EMCDisplayOnWindows if you're adventurous, but you have to select one of the above interfaces first

Changed: 13c13
(see the crapahalic page.)
(see the crapahalic page.)

There are quite a few interfaces (GUI's) that work with EMC / EMC2:

Configuring HAL Halcmd is currently the only way to modify the hal, but work on a pcb schematic-like GUI is in progress. [Hal screenshot] (see the crapahalic page.)

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Last edited December 9, 2005 1:52 am by Kreed (diff)
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