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[LinuxCNC Oword]

This page is for Examples of G-Code routines.

It is safest to cut "air" first if you don't fully understand what will happen when you run g code.


1. Cutting Gears with Loops
2. Cutting Splines with Loops
3. Thread Milling
4. Using a while loop to make circular indents in the side of a hand wheel
5. Simple Turning example using IF
6. Convert Line-Line to Line-Arc-Line -- Use to Cut a Ratchet
7. Links to other Examples

1. Cutting Gears with Loops

 (Following is my generic-gear.ngc:)

 #1=25(number of teeth)
 #2=[360/#1](angle to turn chuck)
 #3=-.1(y clearance)
 #4=-.05(X start of cut)
 #5=2.2(X end of cut)
 #6=0(starting A position)
 #7=.7(feed rate infeed Y axis)
 #8=.394(depth of cut)
 #9=15(feed rate across X axis)
 G0 X#4 Y#3
 G0 Z0
 G0 A0
 M3 S70 M8
 o200 do
	G1 Y[#8-.04] F#7
	G1 X#5 F#9
	G1 Y#8
	G1 X#4 F1.5
	G0 Y#3
	G0 X#4
	G0 A#6
 o200 while[#6 lt 359.9]
 M5 M9
Notice that it does a rough cut across then climb mills back for a finish cut. Ed

2. Cutting Splines with Loops

 (Following is my generic-spline.ngc:)

 M6 T0
 G43 H0
 #1=27(number of splines)
 #2=[360/#1](angle to turn chuck)
 #3=-.1(y clearance)
 #4=-.05(X start of spline)
 #5=5(X end of spline)
 #6=0(starting A position)
 #7=3(feed rate)
 #8=.088(depth of cut)
 G0 X#4 Y#3
 G0 Z0
 G0 A#6
 M3 S200 M8
 o200 do
	G1 Y#8 F#7
	G1 X#5
	G0 Y#3
	G0 X#4
	G0 A#6
 o200 while[#6 lt 359.9]
 M5 M9

 similar to the gear but does all cutting in a single pass.
 Both are using a cutter on an arbor in a vertical spindle.   Ed

3. Thread Milling

 (3/4-16 thread milling)
 G0 X0 Y0 (rapid to location)
 G01 Z-1.020 F50.0
 (your finish location will vary depending on conditions always start with a smaller cut until you establish exact finish location)
 G91 G01 X.1275 F3.0 (incremental move to finish location speeds and feeds will vary with materials being cut)
 G03 Z.0625 I-.1275 F4.0 (incremental 3 axis move creates right hand thread to establish Z movement divide 1 by thread pitch)
                         ( 1 divided by 16 = .0625)
 G90 G01 X0 F20.0 (absolute move back to start location)
 G01 Z-1.020 (absolute move down to starting Z location)
 G91 G01 X.1275 F6.0 (incremental move to finish location)
 G03 Z.0625 I-.1275 F6.0 (incremental 3 axis move)
 G03 Z.0625 I-.1275 F10.0 (optional free pass to remove any burrs)
 G90 G01 X0 F20.0 (absolute move back to start location)
 G0 Z3.0 

4. Using a while loop to make circular indents in the side of a hand wheel

 cat 110_mill_grips.ngc
 (mill grips on other side, 3/8mill=9.5mm, 12 deep)
 #1=-15  (drill depth)
 #2=10   (retraction interval)
 #100=-12        (depth)
 G0 Z5
 G0 X0 Y0
 G4 P5
 (start round)
 #8=0    (angle in degrees)
 #9=30   (angle increment in degrees)
 O101 while [#8 lt 360]
 #5=32.30        (first step and start)
 #6=31.00        (second step)
 #7=35           (safe circle)
 (first step)
 G0 Z1
 G0 X[#5 * cos] Y[#5 * sin]
 G1 Z[#100 + 0.06]
 G1 X[#7 * cos] Y[#7 * sin]
 (second step)
 G0 Z1
 G0 X[#6 * cos] Y[#6 * sin]
 G1 Z#100
 G1 X[#7 * cos] Y[#7 * sin]
 (increment angle)
 #8=[#8 + #9]
 O101 endwhile
 G0 Z5
 G0 X1 Y-1
 G1 X0 Y0
 G0 Z20

5. Simple Turning example using IF

 (simple turning)
 (#100 = max Z = start Z > #101)
 (#101 = min Z)
 (#200 = max X = start X > #201)
 (#201 = min X)
 (#300 = feed)
 (#400 = stepsize)
 #100 = 200
 #101 = 0
 #200 = 17
 #201 = 14
 #300 = 120
 #400 = 1
 (set feed)
 (set current X)
 #250 = #200
 O501 while [#250 gt #201]
 #250 = [#250 - #400]
 O502 if [#250 lt #201]
 #250 = 
 O502 endif
 (goto start point, safety x 1mm)
 G0 X[#250 + #400 + 1]
 G0 Z#100
 G0 X#250
 G1 F#300 Z#101
 O501 endwhile
 (retract to orig X)
 G0 X[#200 + 1]

6. Convert Line-Line to Line-Arc-Line -- Use to Cut a Ratchet

 (Author: Kenneth Lerman)
 (compute the intersection of two lines)
 (<x1,y1> - <x2,y2> and <x3,y3> - <x4,y4>)
 (returns: #<_xi> #<_yi>)
 (#<_status> is 0 if OK)
 (#<_status> is 1 if intersection is outside of one or both segments)
 (#<_status> is 2 if lines are parallel)
 (#<_status> is 3 if lines are coincident)
 o<intersect> sub
     #<x1> = #1
     #<y1> = #2
     #<x2> = #3
     #<y2> = #4
     #<x3> = #5
     #<y3> = #6
     #<x4> = #7
     #<y4> = #8  

 ;(print, intersect <#1,#2><#3,#4> <#5,#6><#7,#8>)
     #<denom> = [[#<y4>-#<y3>]*[#<x2>-#<x1>]-[#<x4>-#<x3>]*[#<y2>-#<y1>]]
     #<uaNum> = [[#<x4>-#<x3>]*[#<y1>-#<y3>]-[#<y4>-#<y3>]*[#<x1>-#<x3>]]
     #<ubNum> = [[#<x2>-#<x1>]*[#<y1>-#<y3>]-[#<y2>-#<y1>]*[#<x1>-#<x3>]]

     o<t> if [#<denom> EQ 0]
         #<_status> = 2
         o<tt> if [#<uaNum> EQ 0 AND #<ubNum> EQ 0]
             #<_status> = 3
             ;(print, "Colinear lines")
         o<tt> endif
         o<intersect> return
     o<t> endif
     #<ua> = [#<uaNum>/#<denom>]
     #<ub> = [#<ubNum>/#<denom>]

     #<_xi> = [#<x1>+#<ua>*[#<x2>-#<x1>]]
     #<_yi> = [#<y1>+#<ua>*[#<y2>-#<y1>]]

     #<_status> = 0

     (test for failure conditions)
     o<t1> if[[#<ua> LT 0] OR [#<ua> GT 1]]
         #<_status> = 1
     o<t1> endif
     o<t2> if[[#<ub> LT 0] OR [#<ub> GT 1]]
         #<_status> = 1
     o<t2> endif
 o<intersect> endsub

 (Given three points defining non-collinear line segments and given a radius)
 (Convert them to two line segments with an arc connecting them)
 (Input args in order: x0,y0 x1,y1 x2,y2 r  -- x1,y1 is the common point)
 (Output: _xa,_ya,_xb,_yb, _status)
 (Where: x0,y0 _xa,_ya define the 1st segment and _xb,_yb x2,y2 define the 2nd)
 (_status = 0 for OK, _status = 1 for error -- usually radius too large)

 o<linearc> sub
     #<x0> = #1
     #<y0> = #2
     #<x1> = #3
     #<y1> = #4
     #<x2> = #5
     #<y2> = #6
     #<R> = #7

 ;(print, linearc <#<x0>,#<y0>> <#<x1>,#<y1>> <#<x2>,#<y2>> R #<R>)

     (The A's correspond to the first line; the B's to the second)

     (compute the normalized vectors)
     #<dxA> = [#<x0>-#<x1>]
     #<dyA> = [#<y0>-#<y1>]
     #<normA> = [sqrt[#<dxA>**2+#<dyA>**2]]
     #<NdxA> = [#<dxA>/#<normA>]
     #<NdyA> = [#<dyA>/#<normA>]

     (compute the first parallel line offset by R)
     #<Rx0A_1> = [#<x0>+#<R>*#<NdyA>]
     #<Ry0A_1> = [#<y0>-#<R>*#<NdxA>]
     #<Rx1A_1> = [#<x1>+#<R>*#<NdyA>]
     #<Ry1A_1> = [#<y1>-#<R>*#<NdxA>]

 ;(print, --1-- <#<Rx0A_1>,#<Ry0A_1>> <#<Rx1A_1>,#<Ry1A_1>>)

     (compute the second parallel line offset by R)
     #<Rx0A_2> = [#<x0>-#<R>*#<NdyA>]
     #<Ry0A_2> = [#<y0>+#<R>*#<NdxA>]
     #<Rx1A_2> = [#<x1>-#<R>*#<NdyA>]
     #<Ry1A_2> = [#<y1>+#<R>*#<NdxA>]
 ;(print, --2-- <#<Rx0A_2>,#<Ry0A_2>> <#<Rx1A_2>,#<Ry1A_2>>)

     (now do the same for the second line)

     (compute the normalized vectors)
     #<dxB> = [#<x2>-#<x1>]
     #<dyB> = [#<y2>-#<y1>]
     #<normB> = [sqrt[#<dxB>**2+#<dyB>**2]]
     #<NdxB> = [#<dxB>/#<normB>]
     #<NdyB> = [#<dyB>/#<normB>]

     (compute the first parallel line offset by R)
     #<Rx2B_1> = [#<x2>+#<R>*#<NdyB>]
     #<Ry2B_1> = [#<y2>-#<R>*#<NdxB>]
     #<Rx1B_1> = [#<x1>+#<R>*#<NdyB>]
     #<Ry1B_1> = [#<y1>-#<R>*#<NdxB>]

     (compute the second parallel line offset by R)
     #<Rx2B_2> = [#<x2>-#<R>*#<NdyB>]
     #<Ry2B_2> = [#<y2>+#<R>*#<NdxB>]
     #<Rx1B_2> = [#<x1>-#<R>*#<NdyB>]
     #<Ry1B_2> = [#<y1>+#<R>*#<NdxB>]

     (now find a pair of line segments that intersect within the segments)

     o<loop> do (we do not really loop -- this is so we can break)
       o<intersect> call [#<Rx0A_1>][#<Ry0A_1>][#<Rx1A_1>][#<Ry1A_1>] [#<Rx2B_1>] [#<Ry2B_1>][#<Rx1B_1>][#<Ry1B_1>]
       o<t1> if [#<_status> EQ 0]
         ;(print,1: x=#<_xi> y=#<_yi> status=#<_status>)
         (now move the intersection back to the lines)
         #<_xa> = [#<_xi>-#<R>*#<NdyA>]
         #<_ya> = [#<_yi>+#<R>*#<NdxA>]
         #<_xb> = [#<_xi>-#<R>*#<NdyB>]
         #<_yb> = [#<_yi>+#<R>*#<NdxB>]
         o<loop> break
       o<t1> endif

       o<intersect> call [#<Rx0A_2>][#<Ry0A_2>][#<Rx1A_2>][#<Ry1A_2>] [#<Rx2B_1>] [#<Ry2B_1>][#<Rx1B_1>][#<Ry1B_1>]
       o<t2> if [#<_status> EQ 0]
         ;(print,2: x=#<_xi> y=#<_yi> status=#<_status>)
         (now move the intersection back to the lines)
         #<_xa> = [#<_xi>+#<R>*#<NdyA>]
         #<_ya> = [#<_yi>-#<R>*#<NdxA>]
         #<_xb> = [#<_xi>-#<R>*#<NdyB>]
         #<_yb> = [#<_yi>+#<R>*#<NdxB>]
         o<loop> break
       o<t2> endif

       o<intersect> call [#<Rx0A_1>][#<Ry0A_1>][#<Rx1A_1>][#<Ry1A_1>] [#<Rx2B_2>] [#<Ry2B_2>][#<Rx1B_2>][#<Ry1B_2>]
       o<t3> if [#<_status> EQ 0]
         ;(print,3: x=#<_xi> y=#<_yi> status=#<_status>)
         (now move the intersection back to the lines)
         #<_xa> = [#<_xi>-#<R>*#<NdyA>]
         #<_ya> = [#<_yi>+#<R>*#<NdxA>]
         #<_xb> = [#<_xi>+#<R>*#<NdyB>]
         #<_yb> = [#<_yi>-#<R>*#<NdxB>]
         o<loop> break
       o<t3> endif

       o<intersect> call [#<Rx0A_2>][#<Ry0A_2>][#<Rx1A_2>][#<Ry1A_2>] [#<Rx2B_2>] [#<Ry2B_2>][#<Rx1B_2>][#<Ry1B_2>]
       o<t4> if [#<_status> EQ 0]
         ;(print,4: x=#<_xi> y=#<_yi> status=#<_status>)
         (now move the intersection back to the lines)
         #<_xa> = [#<_xi>+#<R>*#<NdyA>]
         #<_ya> = [#<_yi>-#<R>*#<NdxA>]
         #<_xb> = [#<_xi>+#<R>*#<NdyB>]
         #<_yb> = [#<_yi>-#<R>*#<NdxB>]
         o<loop> break
       o<t4> endif

       (if we get here, we failed)
       #<_status> = 1
       ;(print, failed)
       o<linearc> return
     o<loop> while [0] (the loop is a fake so we can break out)

     (no need check that target point is within lines)
     (if the intersection of the offset lines was OK, the translated one is too)
     #<_status> = 0

 o<linearc> endsub

 o<drawlines> sub
     o<linearc> call [#1][#2][#3][#4][#5][#6][#7]
     (print, _xa=#<_xa> ya=#<_ya> xb=#<_xb> yb=#<_yb>)
     g0 x#1 y#2
     g1 f1 x#<_xa> y#<_ya>
     g3 r#7 x#<_xb> y#<_yb>
     g1 x#5 y#6
 o<drawlines> endsub

 ;o<drawlines> call [0][5] [0][0] [5][0] [1]
 ;o<drawlines> call [0][5] [0][0] [5][0] [3]
 ;o<drawlines> call [0][5] [0][0] [5][0] [5]
 ;o<drawlines> call [0][5] [0][0] [5][0] [7]

 ;o<drawlines> call [5][5] [0][0] [5][0] [1]

 (print, ====================)
 ;o<intersect> call [0][0] [0][5]  [0][0] [5][0]
 ;(print, x=#<_xi> y=#<_yi> status=#<_status>)
 ;o<intersect> call [0][-5] [0][5]  [-5][0] [5][0]
 ;(print, x=#<_xi> y=#<_yi> status=#<_status>)
 ;o<intersect> call [-5][-5] [5][5]  [-5][2] [5][2]
 ;(print, x=#<_xi> y=#<_yi> status=#<_status>)

 ;o<intersect> call  [5][5] [-5][-5]  [-5][2] [5][2]
 ;(print, x=#<_xi> y=#<_yi> status=#<_status>)
 ;o<intersect> call [-5][-5] [5][5]  [-5][2] [10][20]
 ;(print, x=#<_xi> y=#<_yi> status=#<_status>)

 (Cut a ratchet)
 (Assumes center is at zero, zero)
 (Assumes tool is at working depth and does not change Z)
 (First tooth is at top -- max Y)
 (Starting point is at above peak of first tooth and to left by at least toolD)
 (End point will be in same general area)
 o<ratchet> sub
     #<id> = #1
     #<od> = #2
     #<N>  = #3
     #<toolD> = #4
     #<gulletR> = #5
     #<peakR> = #6
     #<feed> = #<_feed>

     #<ir> = [#<id>/2]
     #<or> = [#<od>/2]

     #<delta> = [360/#<N>]
     #<currA> = 0 (current angle)

     g41.1 d#<toolD> (stay to left side)
     g1 f#<feed> x0 y#<or>

     #<x1> = [#<or> * sin[#<currA>]]
     #<y1> = [#<or> * cos[#<currA>]]

 o<loop> while [#<currA> LT 360]
     #<currA> = [#<currA> + #<delta>]
     #<x2> = [#<ir> * sin[#<currA>]]
     #<y2> = [#<ir> * cos[#<currA>]]
     #<x3> = [#<or> * sin[#<currA>]]
     #<y3> = [#<or> * cos[#<currA>]]

     o<linearc> call [#<x1>][#<y1>] [#<x2>][#<y2>] [#<x3>][#<y3>] [#<gulletR>]
     o<t1> if [#<_status> NE 0]
         (print, status NE 0)
         o<ratchet> return
     o<t1> endif
     g1 f#<feed> x#<_xa> y#<_ya>

     g3 f#<feed> r#<gulletR> x#<_xb> y#<_yb>
     #<x1> = #<x2>
     #<y1> = #<y2>
     #<x2> = #<x3>
     #<y2> = #<y3>

     #<x3> = [#<ir> * sin[#<currA>+#<delta>]]
     #<y3> = [#<ir> * cos[#<currA>+#<delta>]]

     o<linearc> call [#<x1>][#<y1>] [#<x2>][#<y2>] [#<x3>][#<y3>] [#<peakR>]
     o<t2> if [#<_status> NE 0]
         o<ratchet> return
     o<t2> endif
     g1 f#<feed> x#<_xa> y#<_ya>
     g2 f#<feed> r#<peakR> x#<_xb> y#<_yb>
     (we are now at the head of the next angle)

     #<x1> = #<x2>
     #<y1> = #<y2>
     #<x2> = #<x3>
     #<y2> = #<y3>

 o<loop> endwhile

 o<ratchet> endsub

 #<_feed> = 5.0

 g40 (cutter comp off)

 ;g1 f#<_feed> x0 y0
 g1 f#<_feed> y[[5.0/2]+[2*.250]] x[0-[2*.250]]
 o<ratchet> call [4.0][5.0][12][.250][.126][.0625]


7. Links to other Examples

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